The Art of Falling...In Love

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And the saga continues...

"But I don't understand, those are geese-"

"-I know, Todoroki, but that's the joke-"

"-there is not one chicken in the field. How can she tell us to 'look at all those chickens' when there are none?"

Izuku fought the urge to laugh at the utter disappointment written on Kaminari's face. It's been exactly ten minutes since Kaminari dropped in the seat next to Todoroki to educate him on the culture of vines and memes that the latter had missed out on in his childhood and unfortunately, haven't made any progress. In fact, they were still on the first vine.

Izuku let his eyes drift across the tables that have been pushed together to seat both the 'squads' as Mina deemed it was necessary since 'if one of their members move, they all move.' Everyone agreed pretty quickly except for Kacchan who just flipped Kirishima off when asked to join them. The redhead just shrugged and pretended to walk away only to turn back to snatch Kacchan's food tray before the boy could even blink and sprint back to the two-in-one table. Of course, said boy got extra angry and yelled 'SHITTY HAIR' before using his explosions as repulsors to literally iron man his way across the room. Mind you, this was the cafeteria, a room where almost all the students at UA High come to have a peaceful lunch after a long morning of studying or training. So you can imagine the looks of surprise on the students' faces when their moment of peace is interrupted by an angry pomeranian suddenly flying across the room.

Anyways, once Kacchan reached the two-in-one table, he picked up his food tray and turned to make his way back to his original spot at the loner table. Unfortunately, his spot was already taken by Monoma and his crew. Kacchan growled at the other blond who looked up at the noise to smirk at the former.

"Maybe if you were faster Bakugo, you could've taken your spot back," teased Monoma and proceeded to laugh maniacally. Kacchan was ready to explode the grin off his face before Kendo slapped the back of his head and it was Kacchan's turn to laugh maniacally, but he didn't obviously. He scowled, but not his typical scowl, as it turned into more of a smirk.

Kirishima waited for Kacchan to calm down a little before going over and nudging his arm, "Yo Bakubro! Come sit with us now! You have no other place to sit!" And he was right indeed. Kacchan looked around the cafeteria and huffed in displeasure when he realized the only empty seat was across from his childhood friend/rival/it's complicated. Kacchan stomped over to the two-in-one table and collapsed into the chair, resting his head on his hand while looking away from where the rest were seated.

Izuku observed the boy across the table, catching the almost distant look in his eyes. In all of his years that Izuku knew Kacchan, he never realized how the colour of his eyes matched the colour of his shoes. Izuku's favourite colour was red after all, and he appreciated anything and everything that was in the same colour. He wondered about how red became his favourite colour as his entire hero outfit and basically the entirety of himself was based around the colour teal or a shade of green. This was still an exciting moment for Izuku as he thought about writing this revelation in his notebook for later.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that Kacchan was apparently staring right back at him. Wow, was he really staring at him that long? Izuku winced, preparing himself for the yelling to come from the blond at his blatant staring, but was surprised to find Kacchan quiet. Now that Kacchan was actually looking at him, Izuku noticed how the boy's eyes were different from his usual glare. It was more soft and he couldn't find it in himself to look away.

The quiet moment between the two teenage boys was interrupted by Kaminari as he inquired about question fifteen on the test, causing both of them to look away, a slight blush painting both their faces.

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