The Ships Have Left The Dock (Except for the OTP)

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Izuku quietly shut his door behind him before turning to tip-toe his way to the stairwell on the other side of the hallway. Now, it wasn't normal for him to sneak out of his dorm well past curfew, but Todoroki had left a message on 'The Big Three" group chat, saying that he needed help and asking to meet in the common area at 11:00 pm. At first, Izuku had panicked and reasonably so because Todoroki hadn't elaborated past that, leaving Izuku to wonder of all the horrible things that could've happened to his friend and exactly just what type of 'help' the boy needed. Thankfully, before Izuku was about to use One For All to find his friend, Todoroki had sent in another text, mentioning that he was fine but had an important matter to discuss. To which Kacchan of course had replied with a 'it can wait 'till tomorrow,' and a 'good-f*cking-night." Izuku had rolled his eyes at the typical 'Kacchan like' response.

Albeit being a little hesitant, Izuku had texted back with an affirmation in a meeting that night. It's not everyday Todoroki would like to just 'talk,' after all. It was always Izuku who'd have to start their conversations, which he didn't mind, Todoroki always seemed content just to listen and Izuku was just glad to have an opportunity to ramble away. Plus, sometimes, when Izuku's lucky, he can catch Todoroki with a small smile on his face during some of their conversations which makes Izuku feel ten times more accomplished.

He remembers the first time he got Todoroki to smile. It was the day the boy had brought Izuku to the Hospital to visit his mom and introduce her to his 'first friend.' Izuku had positively beamed at that. The visit, of course, went smoothly; Rei Todoroki had approved of Izuku (another success!!!) and they had a lovely time recounting their adventures at U.A. High. Well, Izuku had done most of the recounting while Todoroki had sat beside his mom, both listening to him ramble on and on. It was at that moment when Izuku noticed just how much Todoroki looks like his mother and made sure to let him know on their walk back home. The small smile he received at that was yet another win in Izuku's book!

Izuku had been shocked when he first saw Todoroki smile as well since most of the time, the boy's face was expressionless.

That reminds me of another friend who rarely smiles, Izuku thought with a smile of his own.

Kacchan's smiles are something that Izuku's still not used to, that's for sure. He can count on one hand exactly how many times he's seen the blond genuinely smile. Sure, Kacchan grins when he teases or smirks just before he defeats his opponent, confident that his strength and intelligence will lead him to his victory. But the small smile, that gentle lift of his cheekbones and those half-lidded eyes, now that's- that's a rare occurrence.

Izuku buried his heated face in his palms, momentarily stopping in the middle of the path. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, seeming louder in the quiet, dark hallway.

Ahhhh!! Why do all my thoughts keep drifting over to Kacchan??? I can't keep doing this!! Kacchan has a crush on someone else!! Come on Izuku, get over this!!

His heart began to calm down but Izuku felt oddly empty as he recollected the events that took place in the chat earlier that night. He hated how his stomach sank at the thought of Kacchan having a crush on someone that wasn't him. But it doesn't matter because it's just a little crush, right? He can get over it, right?

Izuku shook his head. He has to get over it for both his and Kacchan's sake. And he will get over it. Now if only he could actually believe that.

He continued walking towards the stairway, pushing aside the thoughts of a certain pomeranian and instead choosing to focus on what Todoroki would want to talk to them about, this late in the night as well. Again, Todoroki rarely ever said what was on his mind and Izuku was always left to read between the lines of what the boy really would mean with his words. And Izuku was pretty good at it as well, since he had to do it with Kacch- NO! STOP IT, IZUKU!

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