Arcade Love - Part 1

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Izuku was racing around his dorm trying to locate everything he needed for the long awaited day. It was finally Sunday and this meant it was Class-2A's arcade day!

"I've already put my notebook in my bag. Placed at least 15 different pencils in there as well in case we were to be attacked by villains again and I might have an opportunity to make some notes on them, as it always seems like they find a way to ruin fun class trips like this every single time we all go together. I also have some All-Might Facts 101, Volume I and II, so I could go over some trivial facts about him before we wipe the floor with our genius! Goodness, that was a little violent, Kacchan is rubbing off on me....Water bottle, check, wallet, check, hero license, check, burn cream for the unfortunate soul who pisses off Kacchan, check, everything that seems appropriate to bring, check...Now we just have to think about what to wear.'

Izuku stood in front of his mirror looking at himself. He was wearing casual blue shorts up to the knee and a plain minty t-shirt that said, "my sleeves were ripped off" that Izuku had found absolutely hilarious at the store, making it irresistible to buy. Izuku did think that comedy had peaked with his t-shirts that had the words "t-shirt" written on them as he truly believed nothing could be better than that.

He decided to go with the less humorous tee because all his other ones were thrown for laundry or Kacchan had seemed to have gotten his hands on some and changed them to say, "t-shit", which Izuku did not appreciate one bit. He had asked the blond to buy him new t-shirts since he was responsible for ruining his old ones, but the blond then continued to sneak into his laundry baskets and kept blowing holes through a few of his other clothing pieces. Once Izuku questioned him again, the blond replied with, "It's for the best if we all don't have to suffer with your lame-ass fashion sense."

Izuku was not aiming for fashion, he was reaching for the top tier t-shirts in comedy while concluding that Kacchan had a very bad sense of humour and that by hanging with Kaminari, Kacchan had also started to lose quite a few brain cells - with all the times he had frozen whenever Izuku brought up the fact that if he kept blowing holes through all his underrated shirts, he might just have to walk around the campus shirtless. Izuku never understood why Kacchan froze up every single time, but Izuku believed it was the shock of if he didnt wear a shirt, then he might freeze, concluding that Kacchan was trying to be a great friend and show him how that would look physically.

I sure am lucky to have a friend like Kacchan, Izuku thought while smiling. He threw on another one of his All-Might themed hoodies, this one, with "PLUS ULTRA" written in big bold letters across the blue, while simultaneously putting on his red sneakers, grabbing his bag and running out the door.

To his surprise, his entire "squad" was already there waiting for the others, he expected at least Uraraka to be a little late considering how late she was texting Izuku at night about how if Izuku wanted to do the All-Might trivia with Kacchan instead of Iida. Izuku didn't mind one bit, he was actually a little bit more excited to do the trivia now, having a partner that was also obsessed with All-Might, but not as much as Izuku himself. He held the title for All-Might's number one fan and he would rather die than ever give it up to anyone else, yet alone his childhood best friend.

As the green-haired boy came down the stairs and made his way to the couch, he looked around to see who else was there. Ochaco was on the couch, stuffing yesterday's cinnamon rolls in her mouth, as per usual. Asui was standing beside her, patting her back as if for reassurance that she can eat all the cinnamon rolls there, but we all know Izuku set an undefeatable high score yesterday of 19. Hagakure was on the other side of Uraraka, counting down how many cinnamon rolls she had eaten before she was going to throw up. Jiro was also on the couch, head back listening to music along with Mina beside her, having a concert all by herself.

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