Be My Cane <33

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Katsuki Bakugo was having a midlife crisis, despite being only 17 years old. Honestly, at this point, he might as well die at the age of 34 or even earlier due to the level of stress he has. Why, you may ask? Well, let's just say all his troubles link back to a certain green-haired nerd who won't fucking take the damn hint. Yesterday was filled with many failed attempts. He was very confident about that day too, because he and Deku had spent almost all of it together. He had remained close to the nerd, although for some reason he couldn't find it in himself to hold Deku's hand even though he did it so easily before. Instead, he got fucking nervous. Him. Katsuki fucking Bakugo got nervous to hold the nerd's damn hand.

Maybe it was because of the fact that there was now a timer counting down the days until the fucking festival and he still hasn't asked the nerd out yet. There isn't that much time either. Only roughly one more week until the damn festival and he needs to do it before then. Not only that but he needs to make it clear that he wants to go out with Deku as more than friends. Hence, the confession.

He almost did get to confess to Deku. Last night, in fact, and the nerd was so damn close to getting it through his thick skull before fucking Shitty Hair came and fucking ruined it with his stupid hot chocolate fuckin' asshole stupid fuckin' fuck- Well, anyway. Sure, he was a bit pissed off at first (he was fucking furious) but now he's moved on (after telling Raccoon Eyes how her idiot of a boyfriend ruined his confession and relished in the absolute livid expression on her face before she left to beat him up). Now, he has to figure out the perfect time to confess to Deku.

He can't do it on school days because knowing the nerd, he would think about it constantly and ruin his sleep (more than he already has), which in turn would negatively affect his performance at school. And Katsuki can't have that. He wants Deku to give it his all when Katsuki beats him, not halfass it. And then there's also the fact that Deku might say 'no.' Because as much as Katsuki wants to deny it, there is a possibility that it could happen, and he would understand if it does. He did a lot of shit to the nerd after all, he wouldn't blame him for wanting to stay as just friends...or break off their relationship like Katsuki did twice now.

He hates that thought the most because he honestly wouldn't know what to do with himself if Deku were to leave him. It's moments like this that he particularly feels the most weak. He's always had the mindset that he never needed anyone and was stronger on his own, which was why it was easy to break off his and Deku's relationship in the first place. But now things have changed and he's beginning to learn that he can be just as strong as a team rather than being alone, maybe even stronger. He's learning all of this now, while Deku knew this from the beginning. Maybe that's why he left Deku all those years ago, because even though he couldn't accept it, deep down he knew that Deku was stronger than he'll ever be.

Katsuki shakes his head. That's enough. If he keeps drowning himself in these thoughts then he'll never work up the courage to confess. Besides, like Raccoon Eyes said, who's to say he'd have to stop trying to make up with Deku even after the confession. He'll stop when he feels he had properly made up to Deku for all the shit he's done. Which probably wouldn't be for a long time.

Right. So, confession. What the fuck is he supposed to do?

Well, he debated doing it today before scratching that plan immediately when he realized it was a Sunday, so technically a school night. Then he realized- fucking hell today's Sunday! I have to fucking buy the nerd a gift!

That's when he dropped all thoughts about the confession and raced out of the dorms to get a signed permission slip from Aizawa to go to the mall. This coming weekend was Christmas weekend and on Monday was Christmas as well as the festival. He could give the nerd his gift on the festival day but then he realized they would get too busy with helping out with the activities and Katsuki wants to see the nerd's face when he hands him the greatest gift of all time- which he doesn't know what it is yet but he'll figure it out.

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