The Adventures of Sherlock Deku and Dr. Kacchan

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Izuku was late.

Of course, he didn't mean to be, but when one gets an amazing revelation last night that he could potentially qualify as Kacchan's crush, you can't expect that person to sleep soundly that night. You just can't. In fact, Izuku spent the whole night lying awake, scrolling through the Dekusquad group chat text messages as well as the texts between him and Kacchan, looking for signs that pointed towards him being Kacchan's crush. There weren't that many, but what can you expect when Kacchan and Izuku rarely text in the first place? They mostly converse in person than anything. Also, the few signs he did pick up could obviously be passed off as acts of friendship rather than flirting. But then again, does Kacchan flirt in the first place? He has been acting different lately but that could mean anything! Izuku hasn't been this close to Kacchan in a long while so how would he know how Kacchan treats a friend vs. someone he likes?

Wait! That's it!

That's what he needs to do! He needs to compare Kacchan's behaviour towards his friends vs. his crush! Which... could be him as well...

Yet, Izuku found himself a bit reluctant in wanting to figure out Kacchan's crush. Because despite telling himself that he'd support Kacchan and his crush to get together, he doesn't know how he'd recover when he discovers that it isn't him Kacchan likes. Even the thought of it causes his chest to cave in and his eyes to water.

The idea of Kacchan looking at someone else with that small smile, laughing at what someone else said, kissing someone else.

Would he even want to keep being around Izuku after he gets together with his crush?

That's when Izuku had flipped onto his stomach and buried his head in his pillow.

Stop being a drama queen, Izuku! Kacchan told you himself that he wants to become friends again!

Izuku turned his head to rest his cheek on his pillow when it got hard to breathe. That's right. Kacchan said he was serious about mending their friendship, and Kacchan always kept his word.

No matter what, I'll still have Kacchan's friendship, Izuku had thought with a sleepy smile as he reached over to plug in his phone.

And with a heavy heart, Izuku dozed off.

But of course Izuku had forgotten to set the alarms to actually wake up. So when he woke up that morning to the sounds of birds chirping instead of his blaring All-Might ringtone, he knew something was wrong.

A small 'ding' brought Izuku's attention to the phone on his desk and he quickly reached over to grab it. Turning it on, he let out a yelp at the amount of text messages bombarding his lock screen.

6 messages from Uraraka, 15 from the Dekusquad, 2 from Todoroki, 3 from Iida, 19 from the class chat and... Izuku gulped. 32 messages and 7 missed phone calls from Kacchan.

Yep, he was going to die.

A sudden knock on his door caused him to whip his head to the source and widen his eyes at the voice that filtered through.


Before Kacchan could even finish his sentence, Izuku immediately hopped off his bed and raced to open the door, only to be met with a pissed off Kacchan. Yep, totally gonna die.

Izuku bit his lip and shut his eyes, preparing himself for the yelling that was about to come but furrowed his eyebrows when none came. Deciding to take the risk, Izuku opened one eye to peek at the blond. The sight he was met with...wasn't at all what he was expecting. Kacchan was standing in his doorway, hand clenching the straps of a bag that was carrying the banner in one hand while he stared at Izuku with wide eyes, face progressively getting more red as seconds passed.

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