[Insert That One Justin Bieber Song]

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Before Izuku was dragged to the front door by none other than the aggressive blond who forcefully stole his phone and made him eat, Izuku had sneakily stolen a couple of granola bars and shoved them in his pocket because of course, his shirt was saying "Pocket Tee" and that was all the logistics of the shirt that required Izuku to shove two granola bars in his pockets.

So maybe the blond that was trying to make Izuku eat his food very aggressively was trying to show that he cared for Izuku's health. That being said, Izuku knew he shouldn't be dragged away from his health by staring at memes, scrolling through tik toks, going on social media and answering any texts, DM's, or snaps sent his way because who would forget, Izuku was also a sixteen year old, a teenager with teenage habits, in this world that consists of him working out extensively to make sure his quirk wouldn't damage his body any further and use it to its maximum ability. Other than that, the responsibility of him carrying All-Might's legacy and becoming a wonderful hero along with dealing with his childhood friend that was acting so weirdly nice, it was confusing to even think about, and on top of that, having the League of Villains also being a huge threat to U.A. and other innocent civilians as well, could really put some pressure on a certain green-haired teenager.

But then again, Izuku was a sixteen year old who enjoyed snapping weird faces over to his friends and casually scrolling through the many tik toks he tries to find the "funny" in, and others that make him cackle, especially when he sees a tik tok with one of his dearest friends, Todoroki.

Izuku would never get over Todoroki's first attempt at the renegade that he posted online, receiving 10 million likes with the top comment being from Endeavour himself commenting, "Shoto, I was certain the dorms would have been a great idea to enhance your quirk and better your training, but it seems to be that it is only taking you away from your priorities." What was surprising was that the most liked comment on Todoroki's tik tok was from himself as a reply to his dad saying, "Do you guys hear that? Sounds like a guy trying to reenter in his children's lives."

Oh, and the second most liked comment being from Kacchan, where all he said was, "What the fuck is this?" Izuku liked it being vague and ominous because the comment meant that either Kacchan was asking, 'how can you dance so good!' in Kacchan's most nicest way possible or 'what is this magnificent piece of art!' in again, the nicest way Kacchan could be. Izuku hoped it was both simultaneously, but something else inside him told him that those were his own thoughts and Kacchan probably meant his eyes had bled first while watching Todoroki dance and then proceeded to explode in his head. Typical, really.

The third most liked comment was a reply to Kacchan's, being from Izuku obviously, saying, "I like how ominous you left this! What does 'this' mean in your comment? Are you talking about Todoroki? Because that would be a very stupid thing to inquire considering he is in your class. Are you talking about Todoroki's dancing? Because that would be also very stupid, since this trend has gone way too viral for you not to know of it. Are you talking about Todoroki's room? Because it's very simplistic and traditional, and does not bring up any questions. Are you talking about-"

The fourth comment was a reply to Izuku's above comment being from Izuku saying, "Oh, I have run out of characters for a comment. That's actually not that surprising, what's more surprising is the fact that I hit post even while seeing the little notification that said my reply was too long and ignored it, then questioning why it wouldn't allow me to type any more, hence me deleting my previous sentence and starting over, only to get the same notification, to which I read this time, and started to delete some of what I typed and hit send accidentally when it fell into the character limit for a reply and I had no-"

The fifth most liked comment came from Izuku replying to himself above saying, "I have done it again, someone call me a wizard."

The sixth most liked comment came from Kacchan replying to Izuku's stupidity, replying, "or an idiot, idiot."

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