Grocery Shopping As a Date? How Romantic...

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Izuku quickly shut off his phone and looked at himself in his mirror. A blue and yellow All-Might hoodie, black jeans, that were getting a little too tight for himself as he realized his thighs were getting a little...well...beefy. Consequences of using his legs more in combat. His hair is still a wonderful mess no matter how many times he has tried before to comb and tame the angry beast, raging in every direction possible. To top it all off, Izuku would never go a day without wearing his signature bright red sneakers. They were comfortable okay? Looking over his outfit one last time to see if he was presentable to the outside world, instead of looking like a teenager who had drowned himself in his hero studies and training, he rushed outside his bedroom heading towards his childhood best friend waiting for him at the front door.

Midoriya ran down the stairs as fast as he could, without using his quirk to avoid any lecture from Iida this early in the day, but still managed to stumble on the last few remaining steps, launching himself forward. Now, Izuku was fully capable of handling himself. He was totally aware that if he fell, he would just get back up and continue running, and probably apologize to the floor or something like that. But when a certain someone catches Izuku, for the second time this week, he suddenly forgets how to function and wonders how much of an idiot he can really be sometimes.

"Are you fucking dead in the brain or something?" A familiar voice rang through Izuku's ear, one that he could never mistaken. He looked up to see his saviour, once again standing right in front of him, with his own muscular arm wrapping around Izuku's waist. Midoriya hadn't realized that he was still literally hanging in the air, with Bakugo's arm being the only support for him to not pound his face into the hard surface beneath him. Thinking about this made Izuku's face turn a recognizable red when faced with an equally flustering and embarrassing situation.

"I'm talking to you, shitty nerd," Bakugo, whose voice now calmer than before, pulled Izuku onto his feet with only one of his arms and steadied him with his other. Izuku couldn't help but stare directly into the blond's compelling eyes. A mix of anger, frustration, annoyance and a hint of worry displayed in his eyes. Izuku could read the spiky-haired teen as an open-book by this point, giving kudos to his notebook analysis of him. Not in a creepy-stalker way, but in a more "I want to be best friends with you again someday" kind of way.

Both did not realize the awfully unmeasurable, long time they spent there standing awkwardly, locking green into red, with Bakugo's one hand resting on Izuku's waist and the other on his shoulder. Fortunately for the oblivious teens, none of their classmates were present in the common area at this moment, leaving plenty of time for the two boys to gaze as much as they want at each other, taking in each other's features.

Izuku never realized how much Bakugo had grown, not only in height but in muscle as well. His jawline was sharp, and with the sun glimmering through the window, to Izuku, the blond was practically glowing like an angel, his skin shimmering along with the rays of the sun hitting his face. Not only that, but this angel had just stopped him from Detroit Smashing his own face into the floor. A swearing, never joyful, always dressed in dark clothing kind of angel. As Izuku was analytically observing every feature of Bakugo's face, his eyes then caught up into the blond's. Just like my sneakers, the green-haired boy thought once more, but Izuku couldn't bring himself to pull away as he was stuck staring into the blond's crimson eyes, noticing how the anger and frustration he saw earlier had disappeared. I have to write this all down in my quirk analysis for Kacchan, Izuku thought to himself, being well informed that this information has nothing to do with his quirk, once again.

Throughout this entire scenario, Izuku's flushed face had returned back to it's original colour as he started to cryptically analyze the blond boy in front of him while Katsuki's decided to show a little hint of pink around his ears. Izuku thought that the close proximity of their bodies against each other might have caused the air temperature to rise since both their bodies were radiating heat. A whole lot of heat you could say from the tension looming in the air, and Izuku believed that it was quite obvious when two human beings are in close contact with one another, the atmosphere around them can get really hot. Izuku shook his head ever so slightly to laugh at his own poor choice of wording. Not in that sense...he thought and smiled causing the spiky teen to snap out of his own imaginations.

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