Walking In A Winter Wonderland: Part 1

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Okay so, waking up with Kacchan was something he might have imagined in his dreams - and spilling milk on his U.A. uniform, but we don't talk about that - but actually waking up with Kacchan in his lap in real life was something he would never have imagined. (Those sentences are quite contradictory, but we all know how Izuku loves paradoxes)

So when Izuku saw a relaxed spiky-haired blond with his head resting on Izuku's stomach, and his arms wrapped around Izuku with a blanket pulled over him, the green-haired teen for a few seconds, blinked at the sight, and then realized that: yeah, we're dating. He still couldn't believe it.

Izuku didn't move his legs or any of his lower half because Kacchan was literally asleep right on top of him. He smiled warmly at his boyfriend before he brought one of his hands that was resting on Kacchan's back to rest on the blond's hair, and ran his hand through his soft, straight locks slowly, not wanting to wake the teen using him as a huge pillow. But something conflicted his thoughts of drifting back to sleep when he wondered how they got into this position in the first place.

Izuku shut his eyes and started to think about how it was midnight, how Kacchan still believed in Santa Claus, how he completely missed his amazing analogy on Santa being different for everyone, how Izuku cheered him up, how Kacchan agreed to catch Santa next Christmas with a ouija board and Tokoyami-kun present, how they kissed goodnight - Izuku smiled fondly at the memory - and then how they stayed in each other's arms until sleep drove them off into another land.

So two questions: One - where did this blanket come from?

And Two - how did they end up like this?


"Okay Inko-chan!" Izuku snapped his eyes open as he heard Auntie Mitsuki from over the stairs, awakening him from his sleep, but still drowsy enough to fall right back into his dreams. Izuku nuzzled into the solid, yet soft structure in front of him, as Izuku clung to whatever it was, his arms wrapped around the middle. Izuku also noticed that he was leaning on this figure, whose back was against the armrest of the couch and wait, this isn't my house.

He heard gentle footsteps coming over to where he was situated and Izuku peered one of his eyes open to take in his surroundings.

Ohmygod, it's Kacchan! I fell asleep on Kacchan! In his house! We just started dating and now I'm sleeping on top of him! WHAT WILL HE THINK OF ME?! Izuku's face started heating up at his thoughts, and luckily, Auntie Mitsuki was like a second mother to him. "Izu-chan?"

Izuku instantly got up, rubbing at his eyes fast to clear his vision and rid him of sleep. The action caused him to see colourful circles when he set his hands down in his lap and then looked over at the blond under his Aunt's stare.

Izuku couldn't help but think how cramped and awful Kacchan's body would be in the position that he's in right now...especially his back up against the arm rest, and then one of his legs draped over the side of the sofa, while the other bent inwards at the knee, giving Izuku's body some cushion when he was on top. Izuku was also surprised how the blond hadn't woken from his sleep but shuffled just a little, eyebrows forming into a knot in the middle at the loss of the warmth on top of him, and then mumbled something under his breath before continuing to sleep.

"He's a heavy sleeper," Izuku turned his head to find Auntie Mitsuki staring down at her son, hands on her hips as a small smile appeared on her lips while looking at his relaxed state. Once she turned back to face Izuku, that smile, turned into a devilish smile, and Izuku gulped, his thoughts racing from "so that's where Kacchan got it from," and "I'm not scared, nope. Not at all. Did I do something that should make me scared? I have nothing to hide. Nothing to worry about. Did Kacchan tell her that we're dating? Well he was with me the entire time, and I don't recall him telling me that he told Auntie, so I'm going to conclude that he didn't, and she just found me and him sleeping on the couch in each other's arms in the middle of the night and-" Izuku froze knowing how he was the one who was going to have to explain everything to Kacchan's mom, and then his own, but first he had to deal with keeping the red down and not let it cross his neck.

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