And That's The Tea Sis

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Shota walked through the empty halls of UA High, enjoying the peaceful walk to his classroom. He had nodded at a few of his colleagues as he chose to ignore the others that seemed too enthusiastic to be having a teaching job, AND be working at none other than UA High WITH him.

It's not like Shota didn't enjoy teaching future incredible Pro-Heros, he just hated the paperwork that came along with it, especially when he had to mark tests and only to give out at least 7 failing grades in a class of 20 students. Where did Aizawa ever go wrong in his life to be faced with this kind of repentance? Not only were his students' poor academic capabilities a factor of Shota's annoyance, but the fact that he had a few certain students, deemed problem children, who in fact had created another problem for Shota to indirectly solve, involved his mood to sour further.

Shota did think that he could take no part in their problem, but as a teacher, well, as the person who signed a contract saying that he will be responsible for any problem his students are faced with, whether it be physical or emotional, he had no real reason to oblige with to stop him from running his nose all up in his students' businesses. Which he really did hate, but oh would you look at that, there WAS a major factor that decided whether or not he would partake in their lives! That particular factor included his mood for the day and today's was: annoyed and tired. When was that different than any other day you may ask?

Well sometimes, he's more annoyed than tired, or he's more tired than annoyed but today, he's equally annoyed and tired. A rare occurrence to be honest, maybe it was because it was still really early in the morning and he barely had any social interaction with his fellow enthusiastic colleagues. Who even know how the other teacher's at this school didn't go home with a major headache only to chug nyquil, pet some cats, mark assignments, strain their eyes, pour droplets and droplets of eye drops, drink their who knows how many cups of coffee, continue marking their assignments, eyeroll to show their disappointment, proceed to shred a couple of them, mark a couple as okay, a few as excellent, mark the majority as 'you can seriously do better, if only you spent more than just last night to finish it up', make more coffee, add nyquil into said coffee, scroll through emails and texts only to ignore them, except if they were from their mother, because they're not heartless, eat take-out if they're not in the mood to trip their fire alarms, then pet some cats some more, shower, maybe, find their seamlessly appearing sleeping bag and fall asleep until ten minutes before they have to arrive to school, because seriously, they all wear the same clothes everyday and don't need an hour to get ready for a job that drains the reason for existence. Shota thought about retirement way too often for it to become a near-seeing reality. He needed to stop punishing himself like this.

The other day though, well three weeks ago actually if Shota checked the calendar, time was just a blur to Aizawa during his teaching days, he noticed something was off with Bakugo. Katsuki was being a little bit more reckless as usual during their training session with 2B. Well, he was a problem child, and not expecting him to blow a hole through the roof was a rookie mistake. Luckily, Shota was no rookie. That wasn't the problem Aizawa noted; instead he saw how the explosions were more diverse and were not aimed properly as Bakugo is a fairly well sharp shooter. Shota knew something was on Bakugo's mind and he had to somehow solve it (or let the universe solve it, because he had no patience with this thing) before it began dramatically impacting his performance.

Aizawa had already given Bakugo fewer marks for his behaviour, and although Katsuki did deserve it entirely, Shota felt something odd in his stomach as he was grading the boy, maybe it was some form of attachment? Oh no, was Shota going soft with his homeroom class? That couldn't be possible, he wasn't like Toshinori to attach himself to his class and help their every life problem as best as he could. Shota learned to stay out of everyone's business and carry the reputation as the "gloomy, bad teacher that nobody wanted" but honestly, at this point, the amount of times he had just napped in the middle of lessons probably threw his whole 'reputation' straight out of the window. But what could Shota even do at this point when his carry-on sleeping bag just looked so comfortable? Get an uncomfortable sleeping bag to prevent him from sleeping? Hell to the no. Why would he get an uncomfortable sleeping bag just to sleep it in constantly like his old sleeping bag? Oh wait, that was the whole point wasn't it? Shota really needed his 17th cup of coffee that morning and it wasn't even 7 in the morning. Oh how he hated his job! ...but secretly loved it at the same time.

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