How To Compliment a Nerd: A Step-by-Step Guide

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It was now 12 in the afternoon and Izuku sat on the couch in the middle of the common room as Aizawa and All-Might came to search for traces of tea in the building. Before their entry, Iida had brought all the students to the common room to make sure they followed 'searching dorms' protocol. Izuku had never come across that protocol when he signed the terms and conditions for living at UA, but then again, he never read the terms and conditions for anything, so he had no reason to argue with Iida for being summoned to the common room in the first place. But then again, Izuku never argued with anyone for any reason, even if he did have a reason he wouldn't start arguing unless he really had too, which was very, very, VERY unlikely.

Usually people agreed with what he had to say, especially since he proved himself in their first year that his opinions and ideas were worth listening and agreeing too during their practical hero training. Izuku almost always led himself and his team to victory. Not only in hero training but in real life villain encounters as well. It was also nice because his classmates also just listened to him because they were friends and actually enjoyed being around him.

Izuku remembered the first day at UA where he met Uraraka, then Iida, Asui and then Todoroki. And now they were all their own group of friends! And even with a name! The dekusquad!! When did he even get a squad? He didn't know, he never really had a group of friends in middle school, he honestly never really experienced friendship in middle school either, so to Izuku, all of this 'friendship' business was new. And did he spend an entire day researching 'how to get friends', 'how to be good friends' or even 'how to make friendships last'? Izuku is no liar, and he would admit that he did, but he now realizes that he never used any of the tips or pointers and still ended up gaining so many crazy, sweet, and wonderful friends!! Huh, it looked like Izuku never really needed any help to make friends after all.

But even on his first day at UA, the one single person that Izuku always thought of as his only 'friend' was his Kacchan. But Izuku really did have a feeling that Kacchan did not want to be friends with him in more ways than one. But that didn't stop Izuku from admiring him from the outskirts! Ever since Kacchan found out that he was quirkless, their friendship and their dreams of becoming the ultimate wonder duo as heroes faded away over time. Izuku never gave up on becoming a hero though, quirk or not, he was determined to become someone that people could look up to, someone who they could turn to whenever they needed to, someone who always had a smile on their face as their presence brought peace and tranquility to those around them. To be someone like that, Izuku had All-Might as his idol but at times he seemed too far out of reach, but Kacchan was a hero he had in his life and Izuku would always admire him, whether it be in person or as a background extra.

Izuku always thought that Kacchan's pride and ego were a given as the blond began to grow older knowing Kacchan's mother. Having her explosive personality as well as a quirk to go along with it, it only made sense in Izuku's head. What Izuku also always supposed was that Kacchan was also soft, sensible, reasonable and vulnerable as well. Izuku was almost certain that some of his father's character must have mixed in with Mitsuki-san's, but it obviously lost the battle for dominance when Kacchan's personality genes were just forming. Well yeah, Kacchan had an amazing taste in fashion, which Izuku was astonished by whenever the blond had to dress up for an event, or even casual wear, if he decided to wear something else for a change besides black tank tops and shorts in the summer or black shirts and sweats in the winter.

But Izuku wasn't ever going to complain about those outfits, because his tops always seemed to be tight enough for Izuku to note - even before he came into terms with his revelation on crushing on Kacchan - how the elasticity of the material curved around and tightly grasped the boy's back and front muscles. Back before Izuku came into terms with his feelings, Izuku would conclude that he would sometimes stare at the blond's abdomen only because he wondered if the sheer force of static electricity between his black tops and his skin could create enough sparks to either 1) burn whatever shirt he was wearing 2) burn whatever he was around or 3) just straight up kill him. Izuku was smart now, he knew that the static electricity couldn't possibly do any of the three options, but even with concluding that Kacchan was completely safe, Izuku still made it his goal to keep an eye on Kacchan whenever Kaminari was around...For all he knew, the sparks just needed a little ignition to blow!

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