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It's been approximately a week and a half since Class 2-A's trip to the arcade, and nothing eventful has happened since. All the teachers piled a crapload of assignments for them, causing them to be stuck in their dorms to finish them, inevitably putting Operation: BakuDeku on hold for now.

Mina watched the two boys from her seat as they continued to take turns to stare at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. It was a little pathetic. It seems as if no progress had been made ever since the trip, which didn't even make sense to her! For some reason, during the eight hours they've been there alone together and holding hands for the majority of the time, neither of them had confessed like in those rom coms she's watched! It was ridiculous.

What was also ridiculous was the way they both were head-over-heels for each other but they just simply couldn't see it. Another weird thing she's noticed in the week and half was the two teens' weird exchanges. She remembers one in particular that just baffled her completely. She remembers sitting with Ochaco in the common room, groaning in misery as they both tried quizzing each other on the entire book of Macbeth. They both needed to study for the huge test the next day which required them to practically memorize the whole play. She still failed to understand the purpose of learning Shakespeare throughout the entirety of high school because she didn't expect to use this knowledge in her pro-hero life; probably bore the villains to death by reciting Shakespear's plays. Huh, there's a thought.

The common area was empty except for the two girls at the time, but were soon joined by Midoriya who apparently came down to make a cup of tea. They both had politely declined when the boy asked them if they had wanted any, returning to their impossible task of cramping all the lines of the play in their heads. A few moments went by as Midoriya stood by the counter, waiting for the tea to boil, until a certain blond entered the kitchen, finally emerging from the room he's locked himself in for the day. Mina had quickly nudged Ochaco for her attention, shushing her when she opened her mouth in confusion and subtly pointing at the kitchen behind them. She immediately got the message and shut her mouth, frowning in concentration as she tried to listen for any sign of conversation from their OTP ship.

"Oh hey, Kacchan! How's studying going?" Sweet little Midoriya asked Bakugo. Mina just wanted to go hug him. Why did he insist on being so cute?

They heard a grumble in response from the gremlin and could imagine the ever-present scowl on his face. "It's going." Midoriya hummed in return. A few moments of silence went by and Mina wanted to slam her head on the table in frustration but refrained from doing so in hopes of not disrupting the first conversation her boys would have ever since the arcade; at least, that she knows of, but she's pretty sure they haven't spoken with all the work the teachers had given them, texting on the group chat being the only exception. But why were they so awkward? They literally held hands like a flippin' couple just a few days ago!

The sound of someone clearing his throat caused both girls to shoot up, worried that they've been found out of their eavesdropping. They let out a silent relief as the person, who they identified as Bakugo, spoke to the other boy, still unaware of their spying. "What about you?"

Mina blinked in confusion before realizing that Bakugo was asking Midoriya how his studying was going which just caused her to blink in confusion again. Is Bakugo trying to start a conversation? She fought the urge to squeal and turned to the girl beside her only to see Ochaco trying to do the same.

"Oh!" The surprise in the green-haired boy's voice was evident and Mina couldn't blame him since it was a well known fact that Bakugo wasn't one for conversation. But he's trying! "Well, it's not that bad! It certainly helps that Macbeth is more interesting compared to Romeo and Juliet which we read last year- not saying that Romeo and Juliet isn't interesting! I thought their tragic love story was heartbreaking, indeed, but Macbeth served as a change of pace-"

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