How To Compliment a Nerd: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part 2)

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Katsuki glared at the door in front of him, hand gripping onto the plastic bag full of art supplies he had bought the day before, as he stood outside of Deku's bedroom. He was supposed to meet with the nerd at 6:30 pm and it was currently 6:26 pm. He was four minutes early, no big deal. He could just knock on the door and say he was early but for some reason he found himself hesitating. He's never been to Deku's room before and other than their awkward exchange an hour or so prior, this would be the first time they would be alone together. Last time when they were really alone was out when the blond went jogging. And we all know how great that went. Wasn't that on a Saturday, too? Great, apparently Saturdays were Katsuki's arch nemesis.

Why fucking Saturday, though?


Katsuki almost flinched at the sudden voice in the quiet hallway but thankfully held it in. He turned around to see Tokoyami standing at the other end of the corridor, watching the blond with an inquisitive look. Katsuki muttered out a greeting and turned back to staring at Deku's door like a pathetic loser.

"Did Midoriya kick you out?"

The blond turned back to the other with a huff. "No, I'm supposed to be meeting the nerd to work on the shitty banner together."

Just then the door right next to Deku's opened up and out popped Aoyama. The other blond turned to look at Katsuki, an eyebrow raised questioningly while holding a tray of cheese. Because that was fucking normal.

"You're planning on meeting Midoriya-kun on his doorstep?" Glitter-Fuck asked.

"Tch, of course not, we're working on it in his shitty room," Katsuki scoffed because that was a stupid fucking question to ask.

"Right," Bird-Brain cleared his throat from the other end. "Then why are you still standing outside his door?"

Katsuki grit his teeth in annoyance. Why the fuck were they asking so many questions? Why couldn't the blond have an existential crisis in front of the nerd's room in peace? "Fine, whatever, I'm fucking going so you extras just get back to whatever weird shit you were doing," Katsuki replied and turned to face the damn door once again.

He could do this, spend like what- one hour with the nerd? He could do that. He was fucking Bakugo Katsuki, of course he could fucking do it. He's fucking survived being kiddnapped by Handy-Man and his shitty, emo boyband. So, being alone in a room with the nerd should be a piece of fucking cake. Sure, he broke off their friendship, hurt Deku, made him fucking cry his heart out and is now stuck with immense guilt of his actions and regrets it so fucking much, it fucking hurts like a motherfu-

"He's just standing there, Tokoyami-kun."

"He's giving off an aura of pain, even Dark Shadow is terrified."

"Oui, maybe he doesn't know what to do. Should we tell him?"


"Bakugo-san, I think you should knock, mon ami-"

"I AM, JUST- just give me a fucking second," Katsuki snapped before taking a breath. Get a fucking grip, Katsuki. Besides, this was the nerd. It's not like shitty Deku could do anything except probably break all of Katsuki's bones by Detroit smashing him against the wall and that's not even the type of 'smashing' he wants to do- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT THOUGHT WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT FUCK-

Katsuki shook his head out of his thoughts before he ended up blushing like the fucking nerd, and raised his hand to rap at the door. Just right when his knuckles were about to hit the wood, the door swung open and out popped Deku. Unfortunately for Katsuki, he realized this fact a bit too late as his quick reflexes decided to take a fucking vacation off to fucking Brazil. So both Katsuki and Deku watched as his stupid knuckles kept going and landed on the middle of the nerd's forehead.

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