Arcade Love - Part 2

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Kirishima and Kaminari were the first to spot the two boys as they made their way back to the entrance hand-in-hand after coming back from their pizza lunch. It's not like they held hands the entire way back, Midoriya had just wanted to please Iida this time, and make sure that they didn't leave the group to wander off by themselves alone in front of their classmates. Midoriya was seriously only trying to please Iida as they walked in after ALL their classmates had already returned back into the arcade, in their single file line. They came after a few minutes, so this time Iida had begun his scolding due to the fact they followed loosely behind them all to which Midoriya apologized a thousand times, but Katsuki just stood there with his hand intertwined with the green-haired boy's, not uttering a single word, scared that if he will, he'll have to let go. Kirishima and Kaminari both could tell what Katsuki was doing and looked at each other wide-eyed and were 99.9% sure that Katsuki didn't just have a crush on Midoriya but he was in love with him.

"Wow," Kaminari started, "if only spending time with your crush was that easy."

"Yeah, how come Bakubro has to make everything look so easy?" Kirishima inquired, in awe of the blond's ability to achieve everything he wanted and with such ease.

"Just look at them! Hand-in-hand! It's only been maybe a day before Bakubro realized that he had a crush on Midoriya and here they are! Already looking like a couple that's been dating for months!" Kaminari said annoyingly.

"Bro, chill, don't get too worked up over it," Kirishima tried calming the electric boy, as they both looked over at Mina and Jiro, who were trying to find a way to play Wonderwall over the arcade speakers, and turned back towards each other. "If only we had things come to us as easily as it came to Bakubro," Kirishima sighed.

"No dude, the guy's just superior, he's also our leader, and on top of that he is a literal God...raised from Hell though," Kaminari tried providing a reason for the poor excuse of their love lives.

"Jared?" Todoroki peeped in, from behind an arcade machine, causing Kirishima and Kaminari to jump at the sudden appearance of the candy-caned boy.

"Hey bro! Where did you- How did you- Why were you- When did you-"

"What the fuck were you doing behind there Half n' Half?" Katsuki had appeared beside the two boys with his hands shoved far down into his pockets, with a smug look on his face. Again, their leader had saved them, this time from Kirishima's repetitive utterings of the 5 W's. He really was a saint - risen from Hell - in their eyes.

"I have no idea how I got here, Bakugo," Todoroki stated blandly, now emerging from behind the machine as he walked over to the three boys.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Katsuki spat, causing Todoroki to wipe the spit off his face with the back of his sleeve.

"No Bakugo, I am Shoto Todoroki, you should know that by now," Todoroki deadpanned. This triggered a nerve in Katsuki as he tried his hardest to not explode Todoroki to the depths of the Earth, but instead resolved with shoving the duel-coloured boy back behind the machine he had appeared from.

"Nobody wants to go blind while staring at his fucking two-face," the blond said before shoving his hands in his pockets again and making his way to his so-called best friends, signature scowl present on the boy's face.

"Soooooo Bakubro, how was trivia?" Kirishima inquired wanting this night to be the best night his best friend has ever had, wondering if he needed to pull any wing-man like tricks that were up his sleeve, not like he researched "How to be a good wingman" or "How to not get your ass blown up when trying to set up your best friend with the purest cinnamon roll," on google last night or anything.

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