Arcade Love - Part 3/3

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Katsuki entered the Just Dance arena with the nerd beside him. Kirishima and Mina greeted them both with wide smiles. Katsuki returned it with a grunt, while the nerd waved excitedly back. As soon as they arrived, the entirety of their class arrived as well. Deku had turned to go and chat with Round Face, Frog, Glasses and that bastard IcyHot. Katsuki was keen on following Deku just to make sure that Half n' Half doesn't pull any tricks given the excuse of them being a part of the "Daddy Issues Club".

IcyHot doesn't have shit for brains anyways, Katsuki thought as he recalls all the shit that was supposed to come out his ass, came out his mouth at various times on the class group chat or in reality as well. Katsuki had decided to head towards where Dunce Face, Shitty Hair, Raccoon Eyes and Tape Arms were standing as he reassured himself with his own self-confidence, knowing that Deku at least admitted that he found the blond attractive. He made a quick note in his brain to tell Shitty Hair about that in the next coming days...and also wondered if the redhead could give him some pointers on how to burn the butterflies fluttering in his stomach every time Deku was around. Katsuki didn't really need his pointers though, he was just making sure if Shitty Hair had the same tips he had in his own head (which were 0, if that wasn't clear).

Katsuki made his way over to his so-called friends and could see Mina excitedly jumping up and down in her spot.

"Oi! Are you planning on fucking breaking the floor or something?" Katsuki yelled, slightly irritated with her movements, but hoped that she shared why she called everyone down here in the first place. Actually, since Deku was nowhere near in a 6 foot radius of himself, Katsuki could actually use his shitty excuse for a brain and realized what Mina was up to.

"We're gonna have the sickest dance battle there ever will be in the arcade!" Mina exclaimed, pumping her fists into the air.

"Yeah bro! It's gonna be the most manliest dance-off ever to exist!" Kirishima added, equally as excited. "Especially since Mina fought real hard to get us this time slot!"

"Huh?" Kaminari turned, raising an eyebrow in question, "what do you mean by that?"

"Oh no biggie, some girl just wanted to steal our time slot so I challenged her to a dance battle!"

"Oh the poor thing," Sero murmured, sympathetically.

"It was amazing, bro! Mina took her down so fast! It was a very manly thing to witness," Kirishima nodded and Mina turned to him with a big smile, a small blush painting her cheeks.

Sero turned to look at Katsuki as they awkwardly took in both Kirishima and Mina staring at each other. These fuckers need to get a fucking room, Katsuki thought. The moment was quickly ruined by Kaminari coughing out a 'simp' that caused Kirishima to turn and catch the blond in a headlock.

Mina turned away from the two and towards Katsuki once again, excitedly. "This is going to be so much fun, Bakugo!"

"Yeah man, it's gonna be awesome!" Sero said enthusiastically, and Kaminari, who finally broke out of Kirishima's hold, flung one of his arms over Katsuki's shoulders, "Yeah Kacchan, you're gonna have such a fun time, if you haven't already!"

Katsuki shrugged the electric boy's arm off his shoulder and scowled. The blond thought about the time he had spent with Deku throughout the entire day. He actually had a fun time at the arcade regardless of the fact he got to spend it with Deku as well. He had a blast beating the toddlers in laser tag and trivia! Just the joy out of winning could have made his entire day, even if they did just beat a bunch of six-year olds, a win's a win in Katsuki's book, no matter the age.

"Shut it Dunce Face, you don't know shit about my day," Katsuki grumbled, as he hoped the heat creeping on his neck wasn't visible to his friends as he recalled Deku's hand in his own. Whether it be because they were forced to by Iida, or if Deku just grabbed his hand with the reason for something more, Deku's calloused hand had still been in his own, and in Katsuki's book that was also another win for the day.

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