6. Girl Talk

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My books are heavy as I carry them to class, walking alongside Shaun and Jasmine

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My books are heavy as I carry them to class, walking alongside Shaun and Jasmine. The usual Monday morning blues are not present, replaced instead by the excitement of having Tom and Francesca show up. If they show up.

I personally think they should lay low for a few more days but ultimately, that decision isn't mine to make. And if they feel confident enough to brave the wrath of high school gossip, good on them.

"Lena, what'd ya think?"

"About what?" I ask.

"Tom boning his sister."

"Jeez, Shaun!" complains Jasmine, smacking his chest.

I shrug. "They're step siblings. Not blood relatives."


"So," I argue. "The problem isn't that they're brother and sister. The problem is she's underage. They should've waited until she was sixteen."

Jasmine nods. "I wonder what their parents think?"

I spot Elliot up ahead, walking towards us with his pal–Jack–by his side. He notices me and offers up a subtle smile, not wanting to draw any attention to our interaction. I smile back and purposely brush his arm with mine as we walk by. It's an innocent gesture that seems to slow down time, though certainly not the beating of my heart. Beneath his plaid shirt, his muscles contract and tense, effected by my touch. I secretly relish in the thought as I sneak a glance behind me and catch him smirking. A smirk that leaves me weak in the knees.

"I don't see how Tom's secret links to Sienna in any way," continues Shaun.

"Well, we don't know Sienna's secret yet," I reply, preparing to turn left towards Chemistry. "Yet being the key word."

"Fear not, world. Helena Gallagher is on the case!" he sings.

"You know it, big brother."

I shoot them both an over enthusiastic wave and turn on my heel, entering chemistry with a whole seven minutes to spare.

I take my seat beside Marie and smile. "Hi."

She has earbuds in so I gently tap her on the shoulder.


"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

She smiles. "Busy weekend?"

"Kinda. You?"

"I wish. My Mom practically has me on house arrest until the killer is caught."

I respect her Mom's decision, though am secretly thankful my own isn't taking such drastic measures. Being hauled up at a time like this would drive me insane. I need to be up front and centre. I need to feel useful.

"Marie? Helena?" Elliot's voice shocks us both. "Ya know, Jack and I were just talking about how unfair it is that two of the most intelligent students in this class are paired up together."

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