24. New Recruits

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Breakfast is laid out like a business transaction

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Breakfast is laid out like a business transaction. Mom prepares fruits, cereals and pastries; all of which are too much for our stomachs to handle. Instead, I nurse my peppermint tea, warding off the dull ache in my head. Elliot plays with his pancakes while Shaun stares straight ahead. Jasmine–having arrived a few minutes ago with her dad–caresses his hair in an attempt to soothe him. After all, Chad was Shaun's friend and now that the shock of last night is wearing off, his grief is setting in.

"Eat up," instructs Mom, joining us at the kitchen table.

She gestures towards the mountain of food, serious face on. Her hair is up and the reading glasses she usually refuses to wear sit reluctantly at the end of her nose.

"I've been up all night," she informs, readjusting her messy ponytail. "Formulating a plan."

A few glances are shared but for the most part, we keep quiet.

"What happened last night will never happen again."

"That's why we need to work harder," replies Jasmine. "Catching the killer is the only way we can ensure no one else will get hurt."

"Yes," agrees Mom. "But that's not what I was referring to. I specifically meant the part where you four left this house without my permission and put yourselves in danger. That will never happen again. Understood?"

In my entire eighteen years, I've never heard her use this tone.

"Asking you to stop if fruitless," interrupts Phil, sipping his coffee. "So, we won't waste our breath. But here's what's going to happen..."

I shuffle in my seat, intrigued.

"You're to include us in everything,"

"Yes," agrees Mom. "Consider us a partner in this investigation. Because, so help me God, I will not lose those I care about over this." She takes pause, looking across to Elliot. "That includes you."

He nods.

"You do not go anywhere without one of us knowing." She shares a quick glance with Phil. "Always travel in groups and take my car when possible."

"Trust no one," adds Phil, the pair seemingly engaging in some premeditated script.

It's clear they've agreed on our actions moving forward.

"Promise us," she urges, desperate.

We each give them our word, not daring to defy them. After all, they've got a point. In retrospect, last night could've gone down differently had the killer still been present. A lot differently.

"So, now what?" asks Shaun, voice hoarse. "We can't just sit and wait for something else to happen. Chad is dead. The killer is bound to strike again."

A knowing look is passed between Mom and Phil.

"What?" I ask, picking up on their hostility.

"We've recruited two new people."

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