25. Public Outing

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Who knew being the main suspect in a murder investigation was so tiring? Sleep is a luxury I no longer possess and what energy I do have is saved for piecing together each clue

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Who knew being the main suspect in a murder investigation was so tiring? Sleep is a luxury I no longer possess and what energy I do have is saved for piecing together each clue.

As it turns out, the thirty thousand dollar donation in my name was paid in cash and therefore, non-traceable. Jason–although reluctant to trust the police–suggested I come clean. That way, when they find out, I can't be accused of hiding anything.

Chad's memorial is taking place this afternoon and even though none of us are feeling particularly up to it, Jason thinks it best we go. Not only are we told to look out for clues, we're under strict instructions to both do and say exactly as rehearsed. Reporters are expected to be there and proving our innocence is almost as important as tracking down the actual killer.

"I look ridiculous," claims Elliot, yanking on his black tie.

Earlier, Mom insisted on getting him into a suit.

"You look fine. Better than me," I state, looking like a table cloth in my sickly sweet lemon dress and matching cardigan.

Yes–a fucking cardigan.

As if life couldn't possibly get any weirder.

"I like what you're wearing," he replies, gently pulling on my hand. "The colour suits you."



I'm about to return the compliment when Shaun interrupts. "You guys ready?"

Mom drives us to school, Jason and Chloe not far behind in their Range Rover. Chloe's need to help is a little unnerving. Just last week, she was serving detention for beating me up and now, she's on our side. Why? I can only assume she's being forced by Jason, who clearly has a thing for Mom. Though, I'll admit, I'm glad of their services. It's clear Chloe isn't the killer (seeing as she was with Jason on the night of chad's death) and having her endorsement is proving beneficial to our case. People like Chloe. Are influenced by her. Being associated with her will surely make things easier.

Here's to hoping, anyway.

Jasmine is meeting us at the memorial with her parents, no doubt looking just as ridiculous as me in a dress of some sort. It doesn't matter how uncomfortable we feel, it's all part of the brand. In the two days since Chad's death, we've each experienced the wrath of Oak Valley residents. Mom's yoga business has taken a dramatic hit and my Twitter account has been slandered. I personally couldn't care less but I can see the effects it's having on Elliot. After all, he's stuck here. Unlike Shaun, Jas and I, he doesn't have the opportunity to leave come fall. He can't leave Celia.

"You're shaking," I whisper, walking towards the school's football field.

Chad was captain of the Oak Valley's honey badgers and Vice Principle Collins deemed this location worthy enough for his send-off.

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