30. Family Betrayal

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Elliot comes bursting through the front door, eyes frantic

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Elliot comes bursting through the front door, eyes frantic. "Are you alright? Is your Mom alright?"

I smile, reassuring him with a squeeze to the arm. "We're fine. What did the message say? I've not read it."

"That Jason is your Dad," he informs. "Is it true?"

I nod.


"I'm not really thinking about it."

He pulls on my arm and instantly takes to caressing my hair, his touch intoxicating. Shaun leaves us to it and I try not to dwell on our previous conversation. With everything else that's just happened, I can't handle my brother suspecting my—

My what?

What even is Elliot to me?

"Wanna talk about it?" he asks, pulling away slightly.

I shrug. "Yes. But we don't have time. We need to figure out who's doing this, Elliot."

He nods.

"And whoever they are, they've been in my house. My birth certificate is missing."

"Is that how they know about Jason? Was he listed as your father?"

Unintentionally, my mind wanders to Shaun and his absurd theory.

"No. That section was left blank. The killer found out another way. Mom swears she never told anyone."

He falters, looking concerned.

"What?" I ask.

"I just don't like that they've been here. The killer. In your home."

I shoot him a smile and wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not," he insists, resting his forehead against mine. "They're messing with your livelihood, Lena. No one messes with my girl and gets away with it."

"Your girl, huh?"

He smirks. "Shut up."

I playfully kiss his cheek and encourage him into the kitchen, the others urgently piecing together the missing clues.

"Did you have a diary?" asks Jason. "Anything that could've mentioned the truth?"

Mom notices Elliot and offers him an appreciative smile. "No, nothing like that."

Chloe interferes. "And you couldn't have accidentally let it slip when drunk?"

"No. This isn't one of those secrets, ya know? I swore to keep it to myself." She briefly glances to me. "I thought I was doing the right thing."

I choose to look away, unprepared to get into this right now.

"Whoever it is must've had suspicions and done some digging. Who knew about your past with Jason?" asks Shaun, avoiding my gaze. "Your history together."

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