21. One Step Closer

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News of Sienna and Principle Wilson's affair hits headlines and it's all anyone can talk about

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News of Sienna and Principle Wilson's affair hits headlines and it's all anyone can talk about. That, and the person behind leaking the story.

Me, apparently.

I'm deemed a martyr by fifty percent of seniors and wished dead by the other half. Literally. Death threats are coming in by the minute, both verbally and digitally. My locker is no longer in use, due to the damage caused by people kicking it and to top it all off, I'm on my fucking period.

"Helena is not to be left alone today under any circumstances," states Shaun, addressing Jasmine and Elliot. "We'll eat lunch in the library and meet at ours tonight for a debriefing."

"After I tutor Zoe," I say.

"Of course."

Elliot smiles and lightly brushes my hair. "I'll talk to Lewis. Shaun, afterwards, see if you can catch Tom. It's important we speak to them. They could know something."


"And I'm doing yoga with Perrie tonight," informs Jasmine. "We're planning on having a chat with Rachel there."

"Good thinking, babe," applauds Shaun, kissing her cheek. "But who's going to walk Helena to and from the Robinson's?"

"I will," offers Elliot, glancing to me. "If that's okay?"

"That's more than okay."

A definite blush creeps up his neck, followed by a shy smile. It's cute. Innocent. Sexy.

"Helena?" Marie comes into view, extending a hand. "Need an escort to history?"

I smile. "Yes."

I link my arm through hers, confident I'll be fine with her background in jujitsu. That, and her fierceness. You don't fuck with Maria. You just don't.

"See you guys at lunch?"

"Be careful, Lena," states Elliot.

His shoulders tense, seemingly as a result of letting me walk away.

I smile. "Everything will be fine."


Zoe's home is just as much protected as she is with steel gates and evergreen trees trailing the perimeter. Upon entering, Elliot and I are searched and forced to hand over our cell phones. He's given permission by Zoe's Mom to wait for me in their conservatory, seeing as it's police protocol to travel in groups. I'm secretly glad he's here, finding it a huge comfort as I head towards Zoe's room on the second floor.

"Hello?" I knock. "Zoe?"

"Come in," she replies, tone light.

She takes one look at my bruised face and squirms. "Chloe got you good, huh?"

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