31. Prom Night

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Prom night

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Prom night.

What a mess!

Shaun still isn't speaking to me. Mom and I are walking on egg shells around each other. And Dad—or who I thought was my Dad—is unreachable, meaning I haven't yet had a conversation with him. I have no idea if he even knows but can only assume his absence means he's been told and is coping by disappearing for a few days.

Nice of him to check up on me.

"Lena, sparkles or no sparkles?" asks Jasmine, holding up two eyeshadow pots.

I gesture towards the one in her right hand.

"You can never have too much sparkle," insists Chloe, barging into my bedroom with a bag full of make up and her dress. "Your Mom invited me. Hope you don't mind."

I smile, not minding at all.

"Dad's downstairs. They're talking."

"That's good, right?" offers Jasmine, applying some sparkle to her eyes.

Chloe and I share a glance, not entirely sure.

"That depends. There's a lot of shit going on between them." Chloe looks to Jas. "Is Shaun still pissed?"

She nods. "He's hurting. He'll come around soon enough though."

Jasmine sneaks a quick glance to me, encouraging me with a smile.

"And Elliot?" she asks.

"Is innocent," I insist.

Jasmine's smile widens, supporting me. "Of course he is."

I turn my curling wand off, grateful for her being here. For both of them being here. I don't think I could get through the night without Jasmine's consideration and Chloe's quick wit. With Tom being released, I'm now the bad guy again. The girl that sent an innocent guy to jail.

And I know such a thing is reason to bail on prom and stay home, but I can't very well hide in my bedroom forever. As much as I hate saying it, I was wrong. And when I'm wrong, I own my mistakes. Tonight is a public apology. A chance for me to make things right.

Besides, Chloe won't let me wallow in self-pity. As a candidate in the running for prom queen, there's no way I'm missing this. No way in hell.

"I can't believe it's senior prom already," I share, checking my phone to see I have a text from Elliot.

Setting off soon.
Can't wait to see you :)


I throw my phone on the bed and place the finishing touches on my make up, deciding on a bold, red lip. Unlike Jasmine, I keep the sparkles to a minimum. My dress is a statement in itself and doesn't need the overpowering effects of makeup to avert attention. Besides, it's a masquerade event, meaning half of my face will be covered.

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