32. Killer Queen

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Having Elliot hold me whilst I sway my hips back and forth in time with his feels incredible

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Having Elliot hold me whilst I sway my hips back and forth in time with his feels incredible. We dance for what feels like days and laugh our troubles away, elevating our mood by the second. He sings in my ear the entire time; marginally off key for most of it. Not that I mind. Thankfully, I'm not with him for his singing ability. If I were, our relationship would be short lived.

"So," he begins, still talking into my ear. "Are you my girlfriend?"

"I could be."

He angles his head and steals a quick kiss. "I'd like you to be."

"Even though I'm moving soon?"

He shrugs.

"Long distance relationships are hard," I sigh.

"But not impossible."

I think it through for a moment. "Will you visit?"

"As much as I can."

I secretly like the idea of him visiting me in Penn. "I'd like that."

"Me too," he insists, spinning me around.

Before we can seal the deal with a kiss, the sound of Kylie—our class president—interrupts us. "It's the moment we've all been waiting for. Let's crown our royalty!"

Surrounding students clap, riled up from the announcement.

"As you know, there can only be one king and one queen. But in my eyes, we're all royalty tonight!" she declares, gaining another round of applause.

Elliot simply rolls his eyes.

"Gentlemen first," she continues, revealing a gold envelope.

The cafeteria is silenced as we await the all important name; the moment prolonged to build tension. "Zack Middleton."


Elliot and I respectfully clap, though in reality we'd rather get back to our previous conversation.

"Congratulations, Zack," says Kylie, grinning. "Now, let's find out who our queen is..."

My stomach churns. "I swear to God, If I win—"

"Helena Gallagher!"

Fucking hell.

Instead of thunderous applause, I'm left to accept my crown in silence. Ass awkward silence. Each step towards the stage is torturous, the click of my heels echoing throughout. Thankfully, Chloe and Jas start to cheer, which prompts others to make a noise and by the time I reach Kylie and Zach, enough people are clapping to not notice it. But I do. I see him straight away. At the back of the room. Tom Jackson. Pointing a gun at me.

"Well done, babe," expresses Kylie, completely oblivious as she places the crown on my head.

I remain rooted in place, silently pleading with Tom.

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