13. Oh, Oh Ohio

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Seven red crosses

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Seven red crosses.

What does that mean?

So far, messages have been sent to four different people; Sienna, Tom, Principle Wilson and Zoe. Are we to expect three more? Or are we looking too much into things?

I mull over this as I lean on the back of Elliot's chair, staring at the computer screen in front of us. A search for @ S_D_S brings up nothing substantial, which isn't a surprise. Even Elliot with his mad I.T skills is seemingly at a loss.

"Nothing," he sighs, rubbing his tired face.

We're hauled up in the A.V room at school, after hours.

"Try typing in Lucy Gilmore," I say, figuring if we can't follow up one lead, we might as well try another.

Her social media links pop up instantly, Elliot choosing her Instagram first. Selfie after selfie flashes before us, varying in angles, filters and location. What Mom said last night is cause for a little investigating, though I must admit, it's not a priority. Still, a good detective never ignores a tip off.

"This seems pretty standard," says Elliot, endlessly scrolling.

"Wait!" I point to a post dating two weeks from today. "Look."

It's a mirror selfie, identical to the one Sienna had on her account. The one with principle Wilson's blazer in the background. Even the caption is word-for-word perfect.

"Coincidence?" I ask.

Elliot shakes his head and right-clicks to print, certainly taking no chances.

"It's going on the murder board," he insists.

I pull out my phone and open up Instagram, heading straight to Tom's account. Once there, I scroll through his photos, checking for any similarities. Any replicas on Lucy's page. Until I find one. Dated ten days ago.


Elliot snaps his gaze to mine. "What?"

"Another match," I reply, holding my phone up next to the screen. "Lucy is imitating them."

He looks between the two, brows furrowed. "Quickly, check Zoe's."

Sure enough, another–almost identical–image pops up, cementing the fact that, for some reason, Lucy is recreating images of those who have received text messages. The question is; why?

"What're you guys doing?" asks a voice, startling us both.

Michelle Singh.

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