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Jeno's eyes fluttered open slowly. Confusion hit the young adult as he looked around the room feeling the dull throbbing pain in his lower back.

"Fuck you Jinsoo," he mumbled, sitting up properly preparing himself for the immense pain that he knew would follow. Glancing at the space beside him, he saw that the pillow dipped where the ravenette once lay. He had been there not too long ago, but the silence that rung through the the apartment led Jeno to believe that he was in fact alone.

Wincing when the familiar burning sensation occurred, he threw his legs over the side of the bed, wanting to get past the hardest part of the day...getting up.

A low groan left the brunette's mouth as he limped towards the en-suite that was connected to their bedroom. He hobbled into the dark room, flicking the switch, letting the bulb illuminate the dull room.

Releasing yet another sigh, Jeno looked in the mirror just to be met with the disheveled appearance of a boy who hid so many things from his family and friends.

His chocolate brown hair was sticking up in all different directions, while the lasting burning feeling stayed on his scalp. Jinsoo had literally ripped hair out of his head while torturing him for hours and hours.

There were black bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he was constantly given. Not to mention the black eye he had received during their fight.

"Why?" He mumbled to himself while staring at the broken boy in front of him. "I won't let you get the better of me," he continued. Maybe he had gone insane. That's what anyone looking in at his life would think, but Jeno was convinced he was okay. "This is all for you Jaesoo." This was the only thing that kept the young boy going.The thoughts of the withering girl.

His sister needed him to do this. If he left Jinsoo now, he would pull out of the deal.

The thought alone made Jeno's heart clench. This was for her, this was for her, this was all for her. This was the only thing keeping him sane.

Taking a step away from his own reflection, the brunette winced again as he was reminded of the pain in his back.

"Ugh!" He yelled, annoyed that he had let Jinsoo do this to him again. "Every damn time he does this and I let it happen!" He yelled, slamming his fist against the mirror weakly. "I want to be free," he sobbed, his hand sliding down from the mirror to rest in the marble surface of the sink, while the sobs shook his body so violently.

He stared at his reflection again. "What has he done to you?" He asked himself, touching his cheek where there was a purple welt that started from his chin.

There was still dried blood smeared across his nose and mouth.
The sight in front of him elicited another sob from the brunette as he turned to the bath in the corner of the bathroom.

He started to run the water, wanting to distract himself as the warm tears continued to run down his cheeks at a steady pace.

"I'm so so sorry," he mumbled, choking on the tears every now and then. Who was he talking to? There was no one there, but he was talking to his parents, his sister and his friends who had watched as the boy had walked so willingly into something so toxic, and were left with the aftermath.

The gushing of the hot water muffled the cries that left the broken soul. He would never let a tear drop when Jinsoo was around, or at least he tried to keep it in.

No one was here to tell him to grow up and stop winging, so of course he used this opportunity to let out all of the pain and the hurt that had built up in years gone by.

"Why, why, why?" His voice grew in both the volume and harshness. "Why? Why the hell did it have to be me?" These were questions that he had always wanted to asked his boyfriend but had feared the older.

That was the weird thing...he wasn't scared of Jinsoo at all, he was scared of the answer he would receive, and he was scared about how he would handle it. He was mostly scared of the unknown...he didn't know what Jinsoo was even fully capable of.

His mind running wild. Running different scenarios, or different outcomes of past struggles. It all came to a halt when the familiar 'ding' of the doorbell sounded, knocking the brunette from his daze.

Was Jinsoo home early? That was the only logical thing, the only thought that made sense.

"Wait a moment!" He yelled to the door, hearing a low grunt of agreement. You could never be too careful, and sadly Jeno had learned that the hard way.

After washing the blood from his face, he ran to his room, neglecting the bath that he had run himself, while grabbing at his foundation and concealer.

He didn't enjoy wearing makeup, but it was the only thing hiding his secret from the world, along with his sealed lips.

Applying the makeup quickly, the brunette dashed to the door, listening to the sound of a foot tapping rhythmically against the tiled floors.

He winced once again in pain, scolding himself for showing weakness. It was time to act.

"Hey!" He smiled, assuming it would be his lover, but being pleasantly surprised to see his closest friend.


"What are you doing here?" He frowned watching as the younger let himself into the apartment.

"We need to talk!"

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