twenty three

730 31 13

As always, Jinsoo's good mood never lasted for long, even if all three of the boys were desperate for it to do so.

Jisung has decided to leave when Jaemin and Jinsoo began to fire insults back and forth, childishly. Luckily for the youngest, Jinsoo hadn't even thought through what he had said and dismissed him, ignoring the fact that only minutes ago he had been snowed out of his house.

After Jisung had left, Jeno found himself retiring to the bedroom to complete some of his own work while the two battled in the kitchen.

Their useless words were merely deflected, leaving them to look no better than five year olds fighting over who got which pencil. This was indeed a battle that the boys had been through but at some stage during this project.

Jaemin wasn't even planning on seeing this dimwit that day, but had been roped into it on the back of a lie.

He didn't really care if he failed this little group project, but he knew that this was the only way that he could get closer to Jeno, and with each passing day, that urge only got stronger.

Jaemin felt his mood being kicked to the ground d and beaten mercilessly, not leaving him time to breathe and actually think of good insults.

"I need another coffee, 'cause this just isn't working!" The blonde huffed, standing up from his seat and getting a sachet of coffee down from where Jeno had shown him.

He then let the water boil, the kettle being the only noise between them.

"Look, we just need to finish this and hand it in. So let's stop having pointless fights and get to work," Jaemin suggested, his stubborn self seething when he had to be the one to advise such a thing.

Jinsoo hummed an unconvinced hum while flicking through the pages to distract himself from the burning rage that he always felt around Jaemin.

The silence returned again, causing Jeno to poke his head around the corner to ensure that no one had been killed.

Once he had confirmed that, he snuck into the kitchen and sat beside Jinsoo, opposite where Jaemin once sat.

Both boys barely acknowledged the brunette's arrival and instead continued to give each other a childish silent treatment.

Their battle was soon interrupted when Jinsoo's phone buzzed, the soft melody of his ringtone filling the silence of the room.

"I need to take this outside," he mumbled grumpily while standing up and trailing away from his boyfriend and project partner.

Upon hearing the click of the door shutting, Jaemin turned on his heel and fell dramatically to the seat he had sat in before.

"So, Jeno, anything that you want to  talk about....Last night as an example?" He cheekily quipped, his voice holding its constant immatirity.

"Shut it, Jaem. Don't you dare tell anyone about our discussions," the older warned while pushing away from the table and towards his room.

"Jeno!" He called out as the said boy began to disappear from view. "Why don't you just leave him if he makes you feel this way?"

Jeno could feel his throat grow dry at the sudden question, and his hands began to sweat profusely as he gripped onto the frame of the door.

"My little sister means more to me than anything in this world, Jaemin. I would never throw her under the bus like that," he hissed while staring the blonde straight in the eye.

"And that's why you suffer on a daily basis? What's so wrong with your sister that makes you feel the need to stay with that prick?" Jaemin dug his nails into the soft wood of the table, ignoring the kettle when it made an oddly satisfying pop to tell him that his coffee was ready.

"She's dying-"

"And he's paying the bills," he mumbled, piecing together the story in seconds, after spending weeks trying to do so with Jisung.

Jeno swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded sadly in confirmation.

"So....I hope you'll leave my situation alone? 'Cause I would love to have you as a friend, Jaemin. I mean you've proven yourself loyal on many occasions, just don't interfere with me and Jinsoo."

With that, the brunette disappeared around the corner, leaving Jaemin in a very tough situation.

Where was he meant to go from here?

"Ready to continue?" Jinsoo called out as he walked in again.

"I'm just getting the coffee first."

𝘀𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀; nominWhere stories live. Discover now