twenty six

726 30 29

"He then leaned in and kissed my cheek," Jaemin squealed childishly. His clothes were thrown away with that, leaving Jisung to scramble to collect the fallen items of clothing.

"That's adorable and all, but you're meant to be packing your bag and not throwing everything at me," the younger mumbled while suppressing a small smile.

Jaemin was whipped, and the only one who couldn't see that was Jeno and himself.

Renjun and Jisung had made a deal weeks prior, a deal to get the pair as much alone time as they could possibly get.

The pinkette folded the tops that Jaemin had thrown away while the older continued to repeat the story for the tenth time that day.

"Right here," he squealed while pointing to his cheek. "Lee Jeno kissed me right here."

Jisung groaned, having seen Jaemin's cheek about twenty times with those exact words following the action each time.

"How about instead of acting like a broken robot, we'll pack your bags for Christmas break, hmmm?" The younger mumbled while zipping up the bursting bag with great difficulty.

He pulled it off the side of the bed with a grunt of effort. "Jesus Christ, Jaem, why did you have to pack so much?" He whined childishly while the older pranced around the apartment gleefully.

Instead of watching the sight in disgust, Jisung walked out of the door to give Renjun the suitcase.

The eldest of the three had had quite enough of his friend and decided that one more moment with the blonde would lead to attempted (and possibly successful) murder.

"Is he ready?" The Chinese asked while peeping around the corner to see Jaemin dancing's round the living room. "Clearly not." His lip was twisted into a snarl at the sight he could only describe as disturbing.

"Junnie!" He yelled, changing course to run straight at his friend who skilfully dodged the incoming attack. "He kissed my cheek!" He yelled again, his knees going weak at the thought.

"Get in the car and shut up."

It had been a long journey to get to Jaemin's hometown, but he and Renjun finally made it. Of course they had offered for Jisung and Jeno to join them, but both refused politely.

"Jeez, look at the amount of snow here," Renjun muttered lowly in awe.

This woke up Jaemin, who had fallen asleep during the ride, much to Renjun's delight.

A muffled groan fell from the younger's lips as he sat up straight again, his neck producing a dull throb as he rolled it around for some comfort.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Renjun said with a smile while he parked up the car outside a familiar house.

"We're home?" Jaemin mumbled, still half-asleep. "Thank god...Can't wait time see everyone."

He rubbed his hand shaking the centre of the pain in his neck, the pressure relieved some of it, though the throbbing continued much to his dismay.

The car door was thrown open as both boy's moved in a quick fashion to see family and friends who lost likely awaited their arrival.

Before Jaemin could rap against the door, a gasp sounded from behind him.

Turning on his heel, Jaemin instantly knew what his friend was looking at. The sky was painted the most beautiful purple colour while small and large stars varied while sparkling so prettily in the sky.

It wasn't a sight that he could express or explain. His heart ached whilst his head stayed tilted.

"It's so beautiful," Renjun whispered, his voice almost fading away.

Jaemin hummed in agreement before sucking in a deep breath of the fresh country-side air, unlike the city's polluted air.

The blonde kicked a little bit of snow off of his boots before sighing quietly.

As he looked up to the sparkling moon, he could only think of one thing.

What was Lee Jeno doing right now?

𝘀𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀; nominWhere stories live. Discover now