thirty one

715 31 37

"I'm stuffed after that." The pair had just finished a lovely meal, a little treat they both settled on after a long day of shopping.

Now they were currently walking through the shopping centre to the exit, both slightly disappointed by the sudden end to their day. It had been a lovely break from reality, but a blissful dream such as this one could never last as long as one wished for.
Jeno sighed while nodding in agreement.

"Sa- oh." He quickly cut himself off when they arrived at the exit. "It's raining....Like really raining."

Jaemin glanced up from his phone which he had once looked at and gasped slightly. It had begun to rain, but it was pouring.

The blonde pouted immediately after, his lip jutting our childishly as he looked around for any shop that would sell an umbrella, but found that most of them were technology shops of some sort.

He looked back to his phone which he had opened on the weather app, and noticed a warning for a storm that had been coming in quickly for the past few hours.

"Well that explains it," he sighed while pushing his phone in the older's face.

Jeno nodded, his own hopes dropping. This meant that he would have to spend hours, if not days inside with the one person he was trying to avoid. Jinsoo.

"Well, let's just run for it. The venue is only five minutes away," Jeno suggested, his eyes glued to the window where the wind threw the drops of rain against the glass screen making the brunette flinch slightly.

"Let's do it."

And so Jaemin pocketed his phone, and put the shopping bags in his other hand before gripping onto Jeno's hand, pulling the older outside. They sprinted, running so fast that they could barely keep up with themselves.

They continued to run, their hair and completely soaked at this stage, and their clothes clinging to them tightly. It wasn't the most comfortable situation, but both would be lying if they said that it didn't give them a fun adrenaline kick. They felt rebellious for no particular reason.

In no time, they made it to the entrance of the hall, their hands still interlaced tightly, neither finding the action uncomfortable or weird.

Jaemin shouldered the door, glad that they had forgotten to lock it now.

Pushing inside, they immediately threw the door closed again, the loud bang echoing through the hall. Jaemin and Jeno both dropped the bags to the ground and released a huff.

Once all the energy drained away, the two were left with their backs to the door, holding hands, panting.

"That. Was. So. FUN!" Jeno screamed, about to pull away from Jaemin, but the younger didn't let him let go.

This made Jeno twirl back gently, the happy smile fading from his face as the atmosphere did a full one-eighty.

Jaemin was breathing heavily, as was Jeno, and neither really noticed how close their faces were. The silence between them became a comfortable one as both boys leaned in unintentionally -well that was their excuse anyway.

Jaemin reached forward with his free hand to fix the older's hair that stuck to his forehead, falling over his eyes.

Their breaths began to mingle, but it didn't last very long as Jaemin closed the small gap between them, capturing Jeno's lips in a sweet kiss.

It wasn't forceful, like Jeno had grown used to kisses being, and most of all, he enjoyed the kiss, and enjoyed the feeling of having Jaemin this close to him.

Hoping that he wouldn't be too mad, Jaemin pulled away from the other, his cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment as he stepped away, pulling his hand from Jeno's while a small lump grew in his throat, the fear of rejection beginning to scare him.

He held his breath in. His hands were clasped tightly around each other. His palms were sweaty, and there were tears pricking the corner of his eyes.


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