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The said boy turned hesitantly, not wanting to face Jaemin quite yet. But he knew that this distance that had grown between them couldn't go on much longer.

"Junnie? Why did you leave?" The blonde asked, panting slightly when he caught up to the older.

His soft breaths appeared in the air as the small puff materialised into a swarm of white fog.

"I dunno Jaemin. Maybe because that new guy had taken your undivided attention!" The older yelled, taking a step back when he realised just how childish it sounded. Yet in his mind he was in agony.

Maybe it wasn't right to feel this way. If he had befriended a new guy, would he be giving Jaemin the attention he used to receive?

Probably not.

"I don't know what you want me to do Renjun." The younger questioned, tilting his head at a loss.

What exactly could he do to please Renjun?

"Tell me what you're hiding. Tell me what you tell Jisung that you won't come to me for!" He demanded, his breath mingling with the soft ones that fell from Jaemin's mouth.

"I can't do that, Jun," Jaemin mumbled, really wanting the older to feel included, yet he and Jisung were in enough trouble trying to help, and Jaemin couldn't see the help of getting another innocent involved.

"Then I'll find someone who really wants me. I'll find someone who will answer the questions that you avoid." With that, Renjun stormed back into the canteen where he had just left.

Jaemin, sending that this would end in disaster, followed him into the buzzing area.

"Renjun! What are you doing?" He didn't receive an answer. This made him tremble in fear. "Answer me goddammit!"

"Lee Donghyuck!" Renjun yelled, voice echoing through the silence that had been made.

The brunette stormed to the table that held Jeno, Jinsoo, Donghyuck, Mark and Chenle.

"Come with me," he strongly continued, watching as the full canteen had their eyes on the disruptive student.

This was all Jaemin's fault, and he couldn't help but feel the embarrassment creep up.

"Renjun, please stop whatever this is that you're doing," Jaemin pleaded, eyes locking with Jeno's breifly before he tore them away to focus on his friend.

He felt his heart rate speed up at the sight of Jeno sitting there with a small pout playing on his lips unintentionally.

"Donghyuck!" Renjun challenged, eyes narrowing as the sandy-blonde boy stood, a sigh falling from his lips as he slammed his hands down on the table.

"What the fuck do you two squirts want?" He mumbled, eyes glancing between Renjun and Jaemin.

Jaemin was inwardly panicking about his friend's stupid idea to anger Lee Donghyuck.

Jisung had noticed the fight that had started and quickly stood up, eyes darting between the three.

"Jaemin...what on Earth is he doing?" The pinkette whispered, eyes showing fear as Donghyuck closed the space between himself and Renjun. "He won't win this fight."

Jaemin nodded in agreement as he tried to step into the fight in order to stop something bad from happening.

"Junnie, please stop this nonsense!" Jaemin lowly whispered, eyes nervously flicking around the canteen area. Everyone had stopped whatever they were doing, and had turned their full attention to the fight.

"Come outside with me," Renjun muttered, hand clasped around Donghyuck's wrist tightly, holding it even when the younger tried to shake the touch.

Donghyuck turned to look at Jinsoo who merely shrugged his shoulders, hand interlaced with Jeno's.

Jaemin let the scowl fall from his face when he noticed Renjun start to pull Donghyuck from the nosy bystanders.

He shared a quick look with bother Jeno and Jisung before jogging away to catch up to the pair who had started to leave the building.

"Renjun, you don't understand what's going on! Please, please listen to me. You're making a mistake."

Of course the brunette refused to hear Jaemin out as he continued outside, not even sparing the younger a second glance.

Finally away from the prying eyes, Renjun let go of Donghyuck's wrist, eyes darkening as he shoved the sandy-blonde's shoulder aggressively.

Jaemin had a fair idea of where this was going. Renjun was going to anger the short tempered Donghyuck to receive an answer.

Renjun had always been the brains of the operation, but he sure was acting stupidly in Jaemin's opinion.

The youngest of the three was holding his breath as his eyes flicked between Renjun's darkened expression and Donghyuck's fiery one.

There was no point in trying to stop this. Renjun had always been one hella stubborn kid, and Donghyuck would never let him walk away now.

"You wanna fight?" Donghyuck hissed, a fire blazing within his orbs. He shot the same action back, shoving Renjun away. This sent the older flying backwards.

"You betcha."


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