twenty five

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Jaemin, Jisung and Renjun sat oppisite Jeno, who had sent Jinsoo away, much to the older's dismay.

Once left alone, the three of them began to discuss how things would go from here.

"I'm telling you guys, I'm fine...brilliant if you will." Though as he looked to his childhood friend, he could read his expression as a disbelieving one. "Seriously!" He huffed, arms flailing around in a distressed way to show how he wasn't making up some crap on the spot, although of course he was.

He was nowhere even close to being as 'fine' as he always claimed to be.

Jeno was strong, and even though there was currently nothing that any of those boys could do to drag him out of the hole he had fallen into, he knew he wouldn't give up to Jinsoo.

"Guys, we'll get there," he pleaded, his eyes darting to all three before settling Jaemin. "Seriously."

So as Jaemin and the boys sat there, trying so hard to think up a solution, all they got was comfort from Jeno. That wasn't what they asked for...

School had long since ended, and everyone had split ways.

Most were told to be aware of the flu that had ripped through campus, and Jaemin could only assume that it was what Jinsoo had contracted.

Sadly, Renjun had caught the same flu and requested that the younger would collect medication for him.

So Jaemin walked through town, his snow boots proving useless as the sensation of wet and cold snow seeped into his toes.

He released a soft huff of displeasure at this, and was quite relieved to see the pharmacist only a few steps away from him at last.

As he pushed the door open, the sudden warmth sent a rather pleasant chill down his spine, though it was followed by the aching pain of his frozen hands heating at an incredibly slow pace.

Shivering in slight delight and much discomfort, Jaemin strolled casually towards the flu medication.

The shop was well labelled, not giving the blonde a chance to stray away from the intended isle.

As he stepped in, he couldn't stop the smile from blooming across his face as he saw Lee Jeno pouting cutely while holding two different packages.

"Jeno, didn't think I'd see you here," Jaemin called out while eagerly tripping over himself to get to the boy he had grown rather close with over recent times. "But I'm glad I did."

Jeno snapped his head up, eyes locking with Jaemin's before he to tried and failed at containing a smile.

"Jaem...What has you here?" The ravenette happily asked while placing both packets into the small basket he held.

"Jun got the flu that's going around. He asked me to pick some of these-" he was cut off by the sound of crashing coming from where he touched.

He had tapped the medicine, causing the whole rack to fall over in the loudest and most embarrassing way.

The younger became flustered, his hands shaking as he scrambled to pick up everything, though as soon as he did, he tripped over his own feet and fell into the rack again, causing the whole shelf to fall again.

His face had become as red as a tomato, and he could almost feel the tears come to his eyes as he found no end of shame in this.

A loud laugh came from the boy oppisite him.

At this, what Jaemin thought was the reddest his face had ever gotten, only became a crimson shade.

"D-Don't laugh at me," he mumbled distastefully while falling to his knees to pick everything up.

He felt like crying. Humiliated! He felt utterly humiliated...

As they were about to fall, Jeno fell to his knees, his hands gripping onto the items that lay on the floor.

"It's okay, Jaem. We all make mistakes."

Jaemin nodded without words while biting his lip sadly.

Once the task was completed, Jeno stood up to offer the younger his hand.

Jaemin looked up, his cheeks still dusted pink as he took it gratefully while looking away.

"You're so cute," the older hummed while squeezing Jaemin's hand slightly. "Adorable."

With that said, Jeno leaned in and kissed Jaemin's cheek gently.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

𝘀𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀; nominWhere stories live. Discover now