thirty two

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"And the best grade for the project goes to...." the lecturer began to do a drum roll while the class waited patiently to see who had gotten the top of the class. "Jinsoo and Jaemin!" He yelled, a smile of pride gracing his features as he gave the pair a thumbs up. "You two worked as quite the team. I guess I'll need to pair you up more often."

Both groaned with utter displeasure while throwing each other glares of hatred.

"I don't think so," Jinsoo grumbled while leaning as far away from Jaemin as he possibly could.

"Double that."

"You didn't!" Jaemin leaned over the table and slapped Renjun while looking around in fear of someone eavesdropping on their conversation.

Jaemin had just filled Jisung and Renjun in on the events of decorating the hall for the birthday party that was now only a few days away. Though not to his surprise, Renjun's reaction was louder than most.

Jaemin's cheeks were blushed pink, his eyes still darting around the room nervously as he caught eyes with Jeno who looked at him with an unreadable emotion.

He was confused. Had the older enjoyed the kiss? Or did he regret the whole ordeal? This was the only though that Jaemin had in his mind for the past few days.

He tapped his foot against the floor and turned his attention back to Jisung and Renjun who both leaned on their hands, waiting for more to the story.

Jaemin just shrugged though, his own heart aching as he was still so unsure of where he and Jeno stood.

"Seriously?" Jisung complained while straightening his back with a slight crack of complaint. "I thought you'd be a little more hyped for this."

He looked to the blonde, seeing the hesitance in the older's eyes.

"Did he not kiss you back?" He questioned with a desperate look of shock. But the younger let his facial features relax as Jaemin denied this accusation, but it didn't explain he lack of excitement.

"He won't talk to me..." Jaemin's voice was so quiet that Renjun had to lean in to hear it, but once he deciphered the jumble of almost incoherent words, a small gasp escaped his lips.

Jisung and Renjun threw each other a disgusted look before shaking their heads in opposition to their plan falling to pieces.

"You need to be together. You're perfect for each other!" Renjun exclaimed while holding Jisung's shoulder with urgency.

Before the pinkette could reply, a small cough distracted all three from their previous conversation.

"I need to go to the loo," Jisung mumbled awkwardly while tugging on Renjun's arm to urge the older to follow him.


Jeno followed the pair with his eyes before shrugging off their weirdness and taking a seat opposite Jaemin.

"Look Jaem, I don't know what the...kiss...meant to you, but I have a boyfriend and you're well aware of the slight situation I'm in. So I ask you to not share this information with anyone else. Hold it close to you because Jinsoo always finds a way to track things back to me," he pleaded, holding onto Jaemin's hand desperately as he tried to coerce the younger into agreeing.

He didn't know that there were little butterfly's making Jaemin feel sick to the gentle touch as Jeno caressed his hand.

Trying to pluck up enough courage to ask the question that had been on his mind, Jaemin opened and closed his mouth, no words coming to him. So instead, with the curt nod of the head, Jeno relaxed quite obviously so.

"I knew that you'd understand."

Double update on the way!

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