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"I'm sick and tired of this bloody secrecy!" Jisung yelled, guilt eating at him as he saw his childhood friend flinch at his harsh tone.

"There is no secrecy." Jeno was begging at this stage, holding his back in pain. He was biting his lip nervously, debating on telling his friend, but found no benefit in doing so. "Back off," he continued, running his tongue over his bottom lip, a habit that Jinsoo had commented on, saying that it made him 'look like a whore'.

"Or what Jeno? Hmmm? You say this to me every time I ask, but what are you actually going to do about this?" The pinkette question, edging closer to the shorter, who was retreating and shying away from the harsh glare that Jisung was giving him.

"Don't get involved," be warned the younger, seeing Jisung's face contorting into a look of confusion.

"Involved with what?"

The pinkette felt that he was finally getting somewhere after years of this. He knew that Jinsoo was hurting Jeno, that much was clear to the youngest from day one, but he didn't know how to get the older out. He didn't know what Jinsoo had against Jeno.

"Just, just..." he paused a moment, glancing at the taller before fixing his gaze to the floor. It seemed so interesting right about now. "Stay away from our relationship Jisung, please?" The brunette bowed, tears welling in his eyes as the floor beneath him began blurring.

"What is he doing to you? I know he hurts you!" The pinkette released an exasperated sigh, reaching down to lift Jeno's chin, only to be met with a sad sight.

Jeno had only cried in front of Jisung a handful of times, so when the pink haired student was met with a teary eyed Jeno who had tear-streaked cheeks, he didn't know how to handle it.

The younger pouted, biting the wall of his cheek in confusion. How bad was this? He knew the answer to the question he was asking himself....really bad.

"Don't tell Mark anything about this," the elder pleaded, his voice dropping to sound more intimidating, but he knew Jisung, and he knew that Jisung was the most loyal friend you could ask for,

"I won't tell a soul if you tell me." Jeno held onto the pinkette's wrist that was holding his chin, bringing it to his lips and kissing his knuckle.

"Trust me," Jeno whispered, tears still falling from his eyes. "Trust that I will get myself out of this. But first I need to stay with him a little longer, long enough to let this whole thing sort itself out," he continued, his eyes fighting with Jisung's, who just wanted to know why this was happening to his friend.

"Fine, but please please please leave him as soon as possible, he's killing you off and the only one oblivious to it is Mark who has somehow fallen head over heels for that Donghyuck character," Jisung explained, holding Jeno's hand against his own cheek.

The soft touch made the younger melt. What had happened to the years of joy that the pair had been through? Where had all that energy and love go?

There were some questions that were made to be unanswered, and the mystery of Jinsoo and Jeno was one that the pinkette couldn't wrap his head around.

His thoughts were cut short when there was a light knock on the door.

In fear of Jinsoo's arrival, Jeno pushed Jisung towards the bathroom, telling him to wait there until he was sure that Jinsoo wasn't skipping class like Jisung had.

Complying to the elder boy's request, Jisung hid behind the door, knowing that it was obvious but knowing that if it was in fact Jinsoo, that he could go into the connected bedroom.

"Hi?" Jeno's confused voice sounded, making the pinkette lean forward unintentionally. His heart was beating erratically.

"Hi Jeno, it's Jaemin, your neighbour," the voice replied. He had heard Jinsoo talk about Jaemin and he described the blonde as nosy and suspicious.

A smile made its way onto the youngest's face as he concocted the perfect plan.

If Jeno's boyfriend was right, and Jaemin was spying on them, then he could work with him to try and find the solution to this intriguing mystery.

"Umm, can I talk to you before Jinsoo comes home?" He asked nervously.

Of course Jeno said yes since he was an extremely polite boy and to respectful people. He stepped back to reluctantly to let the blonde into their home, but he knew that it would raise more suspicions if he didn't.

"Come on in," he invited, gesturing to the stools that lined the kitchen island. "Take a seat. May I get you anything?" The brunette's voice was slightly shaky due to both the emotional conversation that he had just had as well as the nervous feeling eating away at him.

Why was Jaemin here? And what if Jinsoo came home?

"I'm okay really," he said shaking his hands in dismissal. "actually wanted to ask you about your relationship. I have told myself it's none of my business, but not only is it keeping me up at night with the yelling, but, how should I phrase this?" Jaemin rubbed his chin momentarily before it clicked. "I'm really worried!"

Jeno took a few tentative steps back, unsure if he should avoid Jaemin's direct question. Jisung was one thing, but this? This was different.

"Well-" he was cut off by the sound of key jingling in the door. Jinsoo.

The dread that crossed all three boys' minds made the reaction quick.

Jaemin, who was unsure of Jisung's presence, was gripped onto by Jeno.

"I'll give you my number tomorrow at lunch. Hide with Jisung, he's in the bathroom. You get both of you guys out of here safely!" The oldest pleaded, pushing Jaemin toward the hiding spot frantically.

Stumbling to hide behind the door, Jaemin held his mouth in shock. Jisung. He suppressed a scream at the surprise that this gave him. Jisung places his index fingers over his lips, signalling for the blonde to be quiet.

The pinkette gripped onto Jaemin's arm rather aggressively, but this was what he had to do to get them out.

Jisung was sweating with pure fear. Jinsoo literally gave the young adult nightmares.

They slipped out of the bathroom, entering the bedroom but swiftly leaving that as well, both boys ignoring the stench of sex that lingered in the area.

Scrunching his nose in disgust, Jaemin lifted his arm to cover his face.

They were hiding behind the island, listening to the conversation that was happening by the door.

Repeating the same action as before, silencing the blonde's laboured breaths, Jisung could make out most of the conversation but finding some of it to be incoherent.

"Did that Na kid come by here?" Jinsoo asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"No, it's just been me all day." Jeno was fairly good at acting, trying his hardest to protect the pair that hid in the apartment.

"Oh really?"

Following the ravenette's statement, heavy footsteps were heard. He had pushed Jeno into the living room angrily, breaths rapidly becoming heavy with rage.

"Now!" Jisung whisper-shouted, dragging the older boy towards the closed door.

He had never heard the door close. How could this be? Jinsoo and Jeno were in the next room along, now unable to see them. But even the quietest thing could be heard.

The door opened with, what seemed to be a deafening click.

"What was that?" Jinsoo voice rang throughout the apartment causing Jisung to throw Jaemin a look.


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