x 10 ~ god forbid i have feelings || momo

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(one week later)

"Your dad and I are getting a divorce," were the first words Momo heard when she lifted her phone to her ear. Her mouth felt dry and her head light, almost as if she were about to pass out on the spot. She couldn't have heard that right. Could she? She knew it was strange that her mother even called her in the first place. Her parents had never bothered with so much as a text message ever since she'd gone to college. They sent her to a boarding school for her last year of high school and the only time they ever showed was the time Momo ended up in the infirmary after a soccer game. Even then it was just to sign the legal documents so she could get painkillers. They didn't even visit her. She leaned on Naomi's grave for support, trying to get her bearings back.

"You're what?" Was all she could manage to choke out.

"It's not working out. Your father and I...we just need a break," Her mother spoke to her softly, as though she were acutally her mother for once. Momo didn't even know how to respond. Her mother had never called her before and now suddenly her parents were getting divorced? She hadn't heard a word from them in four years and now...

"Why- Why are you telling me this over the phone?" Her voice shook with the beginnings of tears and, as if on cue, a light rain started up, wetting her silky raven hair slightly and falling onto her face.

"Because we thought you should know..." her mother's voice crackled back to life after a long moment of silence. Momo watied for her to elaborate becuase that was the lamest reason Momo had ever heard. This wasn't just something you made a phone call about. They couldn't even be there in person? "It seemed unnecessary to make the flight out there..."

"You...you didn't think you should at least visit me in person to tell me this?"

"Momo...we didn't think it would be a big deal to you..." Momo couldn't believe these words were actually coming out of her mother's mouth. This took bad parenting to a different level. The raven-haired girl was disgusted and devastated and so, so angry all at the same time.

"Not a big deal to me? Becuase god forbid I have feelings!" Momo almost yelled into the speaker of her phone. She was unable to see how they could even call her their daughter. They never treated her like someone should treat their daughter. They treated her like she wasn't even part of their family. After her sister died they never did. It was almost as if it were physically painful for them to see her. "Would it be too hard for you to just treat me like your daughter for once?" The tears in her voice made their way through the phone.

"You are our daughter, Momo-" No she wasn't. Even over the phone, Momo could hear the hollowness of her voice.

"Really? Becuase you cut me out of your lives after Naomi died and now you're calling me to tell me you're getting a DIVORCE?!" Momo's voice was steadily rising as the rain got harder. She was thankful for the emptiness of Ever-glow Cemetary as her mother said,

"Momo Yaoyorozu, we don't talk about her." She almost screamed.

"Why not?!" Momo yelled, anger boiling in her blood as her mother repeated the same thing she had been since Naomi died. "She was a person! She was my sister! She mattered to me and now you pretend like neither of us ever existed! You still have a daughter! Who needed you!" But her mother didn't seem to see what the big issue was. Or she did and she didn't give a damn.

"Momo, you're overreacting."

"Really?! I'm overreacting?! I've done nothing to hurt you my entire life and yet after Naomi died it's like I didn't even exist in the same reality as you anymore! You sent me to a fucking boarding school and you didn't call me once!" the feelings the had stored away came out in a rageful tidal wave that she was incapable of stopping. "Even now you don't call me, you don't talk to me, you don't do anything except pay the bills for my school. Which I would thank you for, but wait, you ignore every attempt I make to reach out to you! I get that you're still hurting about Nao, but I am too! I needed you and you weren't there. You're never there!"

"Momo...We just didn't want you to keep living through it. We thought that if you had some distance..." Momo hated people lying to her, and this was the most blatant lie ever to grace her ears. This was the rehearsed speech her parents always gave her.

"BULL. SHIT!" Momo practically screamed into the phone, calling them out. "I just wanted parents who loved me but you couldn't even be that! When did you stop caring about what happened to me?"

"...-" The static silence on the other end was abruptly cut off by Momo hanging up the phone. If she left it, her mother would stay on the line for hours, just being silent. Her mother wouldn't answer that question because they both knew the answer: they stopped caring when Momo reminded them too much of their other dead daughter. So much so that they couldn't even look at her.

Momo dropped her phone to the ground and fell to her knees. She draped her arms over the cold gravestone that was slick with muggy summer rain. Her eyes flooded with an endless amount of hot tears and her forehead pressed to the gravestone of her sister as she sobbed into the rain that drowned out her cries. She just wanted her sister back. She wanted back her sister who told her made-up stories while she fell asleep and wrapped her in a hug when she cried. She wanted the sister who always knew how to cheer her up and who actually gave a damn about her. She wanted anyone to care because god knows the people who were supposed to didn't.

"I miss you Nao!" Momo cried loudly, her voice scratchy with the combination of rain and tears. "I want you back!" She hugged the only thing that was left of her sister on this earth and cried loud, ugly sobs. The empty graveyard echoed her pain, reflecting it back on her like a tidal wave. If there had been anyone else there they would've left, or maybe they would've tried to help her. But no one could heal the hole that was left in her chest. "I just want someone to care..." She said softly into the painful silence.

Momo just stayed there for who knows how long, curled up against her sister's grave, crying and wishing she wasn't as alone as she was. Even when the thunder started and the rain grew heavier, she didn't move. She didn't know what she would do if she did. So, she just talked quietly in whispers to the wet slab of stone as if it were her sister.

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a/n ~ that was so depressing oh my god ಥ∀ಥ thanks for reading.

word count: 1207

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