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[...sorry i'm republishing everything to do some well needed editing]

"son... you're always out partying and doing bad stuff.. i can't take it anymore!! you're getting a babysitter." byeongkwans mom said as she looked at her son with a harsh gaze.

byeongkwan snorted and said snobbishly, "what!? psh mom you cant do that!!i'm almost eighteen!" his mom sighed and closed her eyes while replying, "i don't care byeongkwan! you're too young to be doing everything you do, and you act like a twelve year old!! i thought your therapy would help but no!! i have a very close friend, and she said her son is very stern, strict and willing to take care of you when i'm gone. i'm sorry it's come to this, but i can't handle you anymore."

byeongkwans mom works 9am-11pm six days a week so she definitely needs someone to keep an eye on him, especially when he's doing drugs and constantly coming home drunk.

he sighed loudly and groaned, clearly giving up on this argument, before yelling, "ugh fine!!! i'm going to sleep." as he stomped to his bed room. it was about 11pm anyway so he needs to sleep-

miss kim sighed and looked up the stairs he was just walking up, she tried not to tear up as she whispered, "please... i hope he can help you."

"byeongkwan get up! your babysitters going to be here in ten[chittapar] minutes!!" miss kim yelled at him as she yanked the covers off of byeongkwan, who groaned and mumbled into his pillow, "let me sleep~" as he blindly tried to take the covers back.

his mother smacked him and said "get up son! i will not deal with you this early in the morning." byeongkwan whined dramatically than said, "ugh finee.. get out though i need to change!" as he stood up and (lightly) pushed his mother out the door.

he was going to get ready but he went back to his bed and fell back asleep.

there was a knock at the door, miss kim smiled and opened it quickly. she smiled at sehyoon and said "thank you so much sehyoon! let me go get byeongkwan, come in and sit down!" He smiled at her and replied, "it's no problem miss kim!" while walking into the house and sitting on the couch.

"KIM BYEONGKWAN!!! YOUR BABYSITTER'S HERE!" miss kim yelled as she busted open byeongkwans bedroom. she sighed loudly as she noticed him back asleep, as she had said she did not feel like dealing with him so she yanked him out of bed and yelled, "gET UP!"

he whined and said "let me sleep!!" as he tried to go back to his bed, but she held onto him and said, "no!! your babysitter is here! come on!" byeongkwan gasped and quickly straightend[gayed] up and tried to fix his hair while they were going down the stairs, because suddenly he felt like impressing the stranger😀

sehyoons pov

miss kim came down the stairs with a short boy who was extremely cute and looked like a bunny, who looked like he was trying to fix his hair

i stood up and smiled at him sweetly as i said, "hi, my name's sehyoon" while i pulled my hand out for him to shake. he just stared at me [OmG "I LIKE YOUR FACE" JUST PLAYED FROM WOOSUNGS 'FACE' AS SOON AS I TYPED THAt-] and then blushed. while trying to pretend he wasn't just temporarily simping over me, he rolled his eyes and mumbled, "i'm byeongkwan" while trying to appear cool.

bk's pov

we were walking down the stairs and suddenly i see an eXTREMELY HANDSOME AND HOT MAN SMILING AT ME- he pulled his hand as he said, "hi, my name's sehyoon" i just stared at him- HES SO HOT- i realize what i'm doing and tried to pretend it didn't happen by saying coolly, "i'm byeongkwan" without even taking his hand, i hope he didnt notice my staring AH-


mum then got her bag and keys together and said happily, "well then, i need to get to work now. again, thank you so much sehyoon!! and you behave byeongkwan." sehyoon smirked again and said "he'll behave miss kim, i'll make sure of it." while turning his head to me and looking down at me.

i blushed bright red, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!? EXCUSE M̶ꏂ?! i pushed mum to the door and panickly yelled, "bye mom i love you hAVE A GOOD DAY AT WORK!" i pushed her out of the house and slammed the door.

as byeongkwan turned around after locking the door, he looked up at sehyoon who was smirking at him. sehyoons smirk then fell as his seductive era went away, it turned soft as he asked sweetly, "so, byeongkwan what do you want to eat?" 'you-' byeongkwan thought to himself before blushing while he munbled, "i-i don't really care?" [YES I DID JUST TAKE THAT FROM JUNHEE💀]

sehyoon then smiled sweetly and said "okay, pancakes it is"

byeongkwan just nodded and sat on a stool next to the island and watcued sehyoon make the pancakes. he eyed sehyoon from top to bottom thinking, 'dang, he's got a hot body' while biting his lip. he stopped himself though, thinking once more, 'no no no byeongkwan STOP IT!'

sehyoon turned around and noticed the looks byeongkwan was giving him, he smirked while asking confidently, "like what you see?" as he raised his eyebrow teasingly at the younger. byeongkwan scoffed and rolled his eyes and quickly said, "tchhh nO!" as he started blushing and turned away from sehyoon.
sehyoon made breakfast, and they ate it in an awkward silence [cAW CAw CaW] as soon as byeongkwan finishes eating he took his plate to the sink and then started to go up the stairs to his room.

sehyoon looked up at him and cleared his throat before asking, "where do you think you're going?" as he raised his eyebrows once more

byeongkwan scoffed and turned around and said with a sassy tone in his voice, "i'm getting ready for a party!!" as he rolled his eyes. sehyoon laughed sarcastically and asked,"at nine in the morning? no. you're not going."  he then stood up and walked up to byeongkwan and crossed his arms, looking down at him with a stern look

byeongkwan rolled his eyes once more and yelled childishly,  "you're not my mom! you can't tell me what to do!!!" as he tried to walk up to his room again- but sehyoon grabbed his wrist and pinned him against the wall and said in a very deep scary voice, "but, i'm your babysitter. you listen to me." as he moved his face closer to byeongkwans while he spoke.

byeongkwan gasped slightly and looked up at sehyoon with an agape mouth. he suddenly got flashbacks to something; he tried not to tear up.. he closed his eyes, shaking the thoughts away, before gulping and mumbling, "o-okay..." as he nodded while looking away from sehyoon. he tried to distract himself by simping over sehyoons possessiveness-

sehyoon smirked down at the smaller, before moving his arms and watching byeongkwan quickly run up to his room

'what an adventure this will be' sehyoon thought to himself, smiling while thinking of byeongkwan.

boy, he had no idea just how much of an adventure this would end up being.


i kid-you-not my phone has crashed TWICE TRYING TO FIX THIS AHH-

babysitter's past chapters are trash

so i'm rewriting them for your guy's sake-

if you want you can wait and re-read everything as it republishes¿ you can, and don't worry i will still be working on the future chapters while doing this too!!

...yee that's all-

bye byee~

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