11 - i WAS a kook at one point

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: "i WAS a kook at one point"


general pov:

kiara finsished doing her makeup, an act she feels demeans her rights as a female, but if she's gonna be putting on a show tonight she needs to look good. when she heard a knock on her door she expected jj, but her dad came in. 'hey sweetie, you look nice. is there a party tonight or something?' he asked.

'yeah, a few of us are going to the cameron's' she told him, repping a smile as fake as her face with the make on.

'oh. okay hunny. have fun, stay safe' he told her. she expected him to leave after that, so when he didn't she turned to him.

'what's up dad?' she asked.

'jj's dad came to talk to me. he's at AA meetings and he's managing his anger' he told her this as if it had any signnificance, he's still an asshole.

'oh okay' she replied, waiting for him to continue.

'he wants jj to come back'

there it is. kiara was waiting for him to suggest that. 'okay? you know we can't send him back right?' she replied, scowling at her father.

he sighed, 'i'm not saying he goes straight back to his dad, i'm just telling you not to get used to him being around here' he said, and with that he left before his daugther could scold him anymore.

now someone else came in the room, this time it is jj. 'oh hey, kie. wow.' he said, 'you clean up well' he chuckled, knocked back at how she looks, even though she's just wearing  light denim shorts and a white flowy shirt.

she laughed, knowing the effect she is having on him. 'why thank you' she smiled, 'figured this is a party i'd need to make a bit more effort for'

'well you're beautiful either way, makeup or not.' he complimented her, stepping forward and kissing her.

she kissed back, when they pulled away she laughed, 'you might wanna wipe your lips, you got a little bit of lipstick' she said, running her finger over the lipstick, 'right there'

he licked his lip where she'd placed her finger, 'it's gone?' he asked.

'yep' she smiled, 'come on we gotta go or sarah and john'll probably kill us if they have to sit in that bush waiting for us for too long'

on their way jj and kiara picked up pope, and they headed over. 'so you know what to do kie?' pope checked with her.

'yep. find rafe, flirt. gain his trust' she said, 'easy enough i guess' she sighed.

'yeah it should be a pretty easy job for you' pope replied, she was unsure what he meant so she just ignored this comment.

when they arrived kiara split off from the boys, looking for a particular other boy. when she saw rafe she headed over to him. 'hey rafe what's up?' she asked, blocking out the 'ooo' kelce let out from beside them.

'oh hey kie' he said in a smug voice, 'want a drink?' he offered.

'sure' she said, painting on a smile.

'come on lets go' he said, guiding her by a hand on her back. 

'i've gotta admit. you look fine tonight kiara' he said, pouring her her drink.

'thank you rafe' she smirked, 'you're looking quite fine yourself'

he smirked, 'wheres lover boy? finally come to your senses?'

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