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hey! just highlighting the idea that unlike obx, i'm gonna show a lot more of the emotional sides of things like jj's dad beating him, and kiara's family issues and jiara's relationship has been/will be really focused on how both of them feel throughout about different things. that's why i include scenes like kiara saying apple didn't fall far, jj smashing up him + his dad's old place and jj calling himself pathetic.
i really liked scenes like the hot tub scene and when john b found out his dad is dead, so sorry if it ever seems real depressing i'm just taking a mental health point of view for most of it.

also these chapters have started flopping... just a lil bit.

general pov:

as they're leaving soon, the pogues found themselves in front of their parents. the plan is to sneak out tonight, leaving a note for their parents. so they wanted to spend time with them.

kiara and jj decided to spend time with kiara's mom, since they obviously couldn't see jj's dad, and since kiara's dad hasn't been staying with them. 'why are you two so suddenly interested in baking with me?' kiara's mom asked them, 'whenever i asked before you turned me down'

'i don't know i just wanted to spend some time with you' kiara told her mom, 'and jj likes muffins' she carried on, laughing to herself.

pope tried to stay at home with his parents, but his dad of course had some things to get around the island so pope offered to go it with him.

'so how is it with uh... kiara' his dad asked.

pope had previously been looking at the bottom of their boat, but at his dad's question he looked up, almost by suprise. 'it's not going..' he replied.

his dad didn't reply for a while, pope is beginning to wish he sat at home with his momma.

'did you apologise son?' heyward eventually asked pope.

'of course' pope said sighing, 'we're okay now'

Hayward nodded happily, 'good' he replied, 'go on you take the jacobs' their fish'

as the day passed by jj and kiara had made muffins and cookies with her mom, pope spent the day with his parents. their plan was to take an early night, then write a note and meet out at the chateau for 10pm. as all of the pogues lay in their beds thinking about what they're doing, they're actually running away from outer banks- to the Bahamas.

kiara found herself getting no sleep, how could she when she's about to run away from her parents, who've only ever given her love and care. and since her dad is staying at his restaurant at the moment she didn't even say goodbye to him, but a part of her didn't care, she'll see him soon- or will she?

when it got to 9:30 kiara's alarm went off, she swiftly turned it off and then went to wake jj up. after he woke up they both changed, grabbed their bags then left the note outside her mom's room:

 "don't worry about us, gone with pope for a while. see you soon"

kiara hated how blunt it is, knowing her mom deserves so much more than that- but john b insisted on not telling them too much.

they headed out in kiara's car, on their way jj noticed kiara biting her lip nervously. 'you okay?' he asked her, concerned by her worry.

'yeah, yeah i'm fine. just feels a little strange' she replied, he nodded and chuckled slightly.

'tell me about it'

they arrived at the chateau just after 10, pope, john b and sarah stood waiting. 'get in bitches we're going to the bahamas!' jj said, in a mock feminine voice. 

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