02; soojin

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tw // blood, gore, violence, weapons, fire

soojin was annoyed.

the blood on her wings had long since dried, and had turned into a clay-like consistency that coated her flight feathers, making it hard for her to fly.

so i can't fly properly now, of all times? she thought, annoyed. i'm so away from the closest entrance. what am i supposed to do, walk?

she stood up from the grass and walked to the clutter of pebbles piled by the side of the garden, admiring the flowers that grew on her way there. even though she was a demon created for pure evil, she cherished and admired beauty and strived for perfection.

she picked up a sharp one and began scraping the dried blood off the feathers. after what felt like hours of boring work, her ears perked at the sound of a twig snapping.

she whipped her head around and came face to face with a human holding a pointed stick. she sighed.

"how many times must i say that those sticks are useless? if you useless humans want to challenge me, at least challenge me with a proper weapon, this is just pathetic!"

as soojin talked, she stuck her hand into the chest of the man and pulled his heart out. "we don't waste hearts on idiots. well, i don't."

carrying the still-beating heart in her hand, she straightened, tossing the pebble away.

"the hellhounds would love your heart! by the way, i'll take that!" soojin smiled playfully, taking the stick from the man's corpse.

she struck the stick on the ground hard and it morphed into a short dagger with a silver blade and black runic inscriptions carved onto it. the hilt was wrapped in leather and the blade shone under the light of the sun.

"now this is a weapon."

she tucked her dagger in her belt, plucking a white rose from a nearby rosebush and carelessly watching it wither in her hand.

"by the way, i know you're there," she commented, knowing that there was another human behind her hidden and ready to strike. launching herself into the air, she flew away, the withered remains of a once perfect white rose landing on the ground beside a woman weeping for her dead lover.

༻ ༒ ༺

as soojin flew past towns and cities, she noticed a fire falling from the sky.

she was intrigued, not seeing such a thing before.

is it one of the human's dumb inventions? she wondered, speeding up to have a closer look.

when she got closer, she realised that it was a person. not just any person.

an angel, falling from the Heavens.

a new demon! she thought excitedly, about to reach out and catch her, before remembering something.

if i touch Holy Fire, i'll burn too.

she decided to follow the angel down and see where she landed cause she was bored and had nothing to do.

falling beside the angel, she watched as the angel's wings burned away, the angel's face barely visible through the flames. soojin's eyes grew wide when she saw that the angel was looking at her.

"help me," she mouthed, a tear slipping from her eyes.

"i can't," soojin mouthed in reply, spreading her wings to land softly on the ground as the angel crashed into the earth, sand rising around her as she was covered in blinding light.

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