04; soyeon

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tw // blood, mentions of suicide, alcohol

she could already smell it from her office.

the familiar, metallic scent of fresh blood, signifying a fallen angel.

she wrinkled her nose after fifteen minutes passed and the scent hadn't faded. hyuck's gaming again?

swinging her legs off the table, she strode quickly and purposefully out of the door, the sound of her terrifyingly tall 6-inch stilettos echoing the corridors as she gathered her hair in a tight ponytail. unsheathing the dagger at her waist, she spun it lazily as she stole occasional glances at the rooms, smiling at the various torture scenes going on behind the glass doors.

this is my realm. the place that i built. the place that no one can take away from me. not God, not some fucking angel, and not miyeon.

cutting through the air with her dagger, she severed the thin fabric between dimensions and strode through the gap, stepping out beside the demon of mischief sitting in the gaming room playing an aggressive round of overwatch.

"aren't you supposed to be putting the fallen angel through the rituals, hyuck?" soyeon asked, rolling her eyes when he feigned an expression of shock.

"i am? i didn't get the notification, boss!"

"you think you can fool the creator of lies, do you?" she smiled, snapping her fingers. the screen went black, and donghyuck sat up angrily.


"get going."

he pulled a face, vanishing in a puff of black smoke.

another thing that Heaven will never have, soyeon thought to herself. technology from the future that they can't even dream of.

stepping back through the gap between worlds, she appeared in the lobby, immediately summoning the lower devil who ran the front desk.

"what are those?" she inquired, already knowing the answer as she pointed at the vase of flowers on display, emotionlessly smiling when the devil immediately went white as a sheet.


"this isn't Heaven, idiot."

with a snap of her fingers, the devil disappeared, his nametag falling on the ground with a clatter.

her assistant, eunbin, appeared next to her as soyeon stepped into the elevator. "i'm gonna assume that you need a new receptionist?" she asked, pulling a black notebook and pen out of thin air.

soyeon pinched her nose bridge. "yes. i need the numbers for this week too."

"on it." eunbin placed the pen behind her ear, hurriedly flipping through the book.

eunbin and donghyuck were once angels like she was, and when she broke the rules of Heaven and fell, they had followed soon after for their own reasons.

the times when angels fell from Heaven were few and far between, and the number of angels who survived the rituals was even smaller. because of this, there weren't a lot of demons in Hell, and soyeon needed and heavily relied on them.

she refused to admit it, but they had become some sort of... family to her.

"the number of humans who went to Heaven went down by 3 percent, and the suicide rates went up by 10 percent. this is great, soyeon!"

she nodded, not really paying attention. "yeah, it is. i'm gonna go check on hyuck and the fallen angel now, i'll see you later about the rouge devils on level 6?"

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