03; minnie

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tw // fire

"yuqi, let's go!"

"b-but what if we get caught?"

"don't worry, i won't let anything happen to you. i promise!"

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climbing through the window, minnie quietly ran into the room and started squishing the sleeping angel's cheeks. the angel stirred, blearily staring at minnie.

"huh?" yuqi sleepily mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

minnie smiled. "good morning, yuqi."

"oh, it's you," yuqi yawned.

"come on, let's get out of here!"

taking her hand, minnie dragged her out and leaped out into the night air, leading her towards the east where the sun still hadn't risen.

"what are we gonna do?" yuqi sleepily questioned, a yawn escaping from her mouth again.

minnie turned to look at her. "you'll love it, you'll see!"

she pulled yuqi down, landing in a small clearing by the edge of Heaven. the grass was soft on their bare feet, and a small sheet was spread out on the ground with a woven basket on it that she had left there half an hour ago.

yuqi covered her mouth with her hands, quietly exclaiming in surprise.

"happy 6 months, yuqi," minnie whispered, leading her to the sheet and sitting down, pressing her forehead against her girlfriend's. reaching behind her, she pulled a small object from the basket. "this is for you."

"for me?"

yuqi cradled the tiny figurine in her hand, her eyes wide in awe. "it's beautiful, min."

"i saw it at a market on earth and thought of you, so i got it for you," she blushed, scratching her head. yuqi used the tip of her finger to softly stroke the head of the minuscule angel model, admiring its delicate features with shining eyes.

i want to spend all eternity with her, i don't care if i'm breaking a law, i'll do anything to make her smile. she thought, unable to take her eyes off yuqi, who sat up, rummaging in her pockets.

"this reminds me, i got a present for you too! it's nowhere as beautiful as what you gave me, but i hope you like it-"

she pulled a small box from her pocket and handed it to her, gently closing her hand over it. "open it," she whispered, staring into minnie's eyes.

a small smile slowly spreading across her face, minnie slowly opened the box. the box was slightly smaller than her palm and was lined with red velvet. inside the box was the most perfect string of gems minnie had ever seen.

she gasped, her eyes widening. "this is too much-"

yuqi was already fastening it to her wrist. "nothing is too much for you."

minnie kissed her nose. "do you know that i love you so much?"

"i know," yuqi smiled, "and i love you too."

they sat in comfortable silence, minnie pulling drinks out of the basket. yuqi suddenly patted her on the shoulder and pointed.

"look, the sun is rising..."

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"what happened? minnie?"

minnie sat up, her face pale and sweaty. she breathed deeply, trying to calm herself down.

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