14; miyeon

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tw // blood, serious injury

miyeon serenely smiled as she admired the stars in the night sky from the Palace's atrium. glowing plants with magical qualities unknown to all grew from the dirt ground, and she was seated under the shade of the biggest tree, her favorite place in all of Heaven.

the large atrium was filled with animals of all sorts, and miyeon could hear the soft chirping of birds coming from the branches above her.

everything was peaceful, just the way she liked it.

she had just begun to doze off when the loud warning cries of various animals awakened her and she immediately stood up, brushing twigs and moss off her ankle-length heavy gown in an attempt to look respectable.

"seunghee, why are you coming here at this time? i told you to clear my schedule tonight."

the saint appeared in view, her skirt hitched up above her knees. her put-together demeanor was replaced by a distraught expression so unfamiliar on a saint that miyeon hurried towards her.

"are you alright? what happened?"

seunghee nodded, breathing hard. "jungwoo."

who's jungwoo again?

ah, yes. the orange-haired angel on the guardian team.

miyeon raised an eyebrow. "what about him?"

"he got badly injured in the mortal realm, and his wounds aren't healing. he... he might not make it."

༻ ༒ ༺

miyeon entered the house of healing and tapped a random angel on the shoulder. "excuse me, where is the injured angel? kim jungwoo?"

i can't believe it's been so long since i've visited the house.

a thousand millennia sure passes fast.

the angel turned around, her ponytail resting on her shoulder. "the room to the left, he can't have many visitors- oh, your majesty! of course you may see him." the angel exclaimed, bowing low to her and slowly backing away.

"thank you for your assistance."

"a pleasure to be of service, my queen!"

miyeon smiled at her, pushing away the curtain and laying her eyes on a broken angel.

༻ ༒ ༺

"your highness, he doesn't have long. can you do anything-"

poor yukhei, she thought. he's so worried.

he must feel responsible for this.

the queen lifted a single finger to her lips, shushing the archangel and turning to the motionless angel, stretching a hand out above his body and assessing his injuries.

his limbs seem fractured and he broke a few ribs. one of them is puncturing a vessel, causing a lot of internal bleeding. he also sustained injuries to his spine and neck, leaving him partially paralyzed, not to mention the small cuts and scrapes all over his body.

nothing i can't fix.

"calm down, yukhei. he will be alright, i can heal him. it's not your fault."

"but i organized the guardian team! i shouldn't have put him in it, he was too weak-"

"jungwoo isn't weak. i have faith in your choices, and i don't think you would put him in if you didn't think he was capable. if it weren't for unforeseen circumstances, i'm sure the mission would have been a success," miyeon calmly replied, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows and rubbing her hands together. "how many angels were injured, exactly? i have a feeling jungwoo here isn't the only one."

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