16; minnie

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minnie stood under the shower, letting the warm water wash away the dirt and sweat that had coated her body after her training with ryujin.

she wasn't used to this at all, but she was trying her best to figure things out.

Hell was so... modern? no, futuristic.

there's so much freedom here.

minnie's mind was so preoccupied with thoughts of her past that she just stayed under the water, enjoying the time she had to herself.

however, she was quickly jolted back to reality when she heard a very loud knock on the door to the bathroom accompanied by an exasperated voice.

"minnie nicha yontararak? come out before i come in, i don't have all eternity."

"coming!" she yelled, switching the water off and hopping out. "i'll be out in a sec."

minnie toweled herself dry with a fluffy towel hanging on a rack and grabbed random clothes from the huge walk-in closet. stopping by the full-length mirror, she spent a minute staring at the dark blue turtleneck she had grabbed, wondering why there weren't any wing slits before she remembered.

my wings are gone.

turning around, minnie glanced at the new symbols on her back where her old runes used to be, squinting at the new black ink that had been permanently scratched into her skin and the two dried, blackened stumps that were once her wings serving as a painful reminder of what she used to be. shaking her head, she averted her gaze and swallowed the lump in her throat, trying her best not to cry.

she heard another loud "hey" and hastily tugged her clothes on, wringing her black hair with a towel and stepping out of the closet.


she met face-to-face with the demon who had thrown her in the river earlier relaxing on her bed and her bright expression immediately soured.

"don't look at me like that kid, i need to decipher your runes. c'mere."

"get. off. my. bed." minnie snarled, not moving.

"hey, show some respect. if it weren't for me, you would've dissolved into a puddle of mortal when you got out of the river. my runes are literally keeping you immortal, kid, so shut up and come over here."

minnie shook her head and stood her ground, her jaw clenched. donghyuck's smile slowly faded and he reluctantly stood up. "you're lucky i've got a game in a few minutes."

stretching exaggeratedly, he ruffled his brown hair and ambled over to stand behind her, the smirk back on his face.

"i won't be surprised if you turned out to be the demon of stubbornness or something."

her anger was suddenly replaced by curiosity. "that's a thing?"

"not that i know of. your role in Hell will be determined by your past actions in Heaven, blah blah blah. now shut up, i need to concentrate."

he held a hand over her back, the inked symbols starting to ache. scrunching her eyes shut, minnie bit the inside of her cheek, immediately reminded of the burning sensation of her Heavenly runes being removed in the river.

the sensation immediately received and she let the breath she was unconsciously holding out, slouching forward. behind her donghyuck sucked in a loud breath, the color draining from his face.

"congratulations, minnie," he said, his voice wobbling. "demon of broken promises."

turning on his heel, he left the room before she could say anything, his horns, although not bull-like but  reminding her of the myth told by mortals many, many years ago.

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