08; miyeon

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tw // nightmares, mentions of mental instability, mentions of depression

"get away from me!"

the girl's eyes shone with tears. "miyeonnie-"

"don't call me that ever again! only my friends can call me that, and you are not my friend!"

slamming the door shut, miyeon collapsed against the wooden door, keeping it shut with her body weight as she heard the other girl pound at it with her fists.

"miyeonnie, get out of there!"

she frowned to herself. "why?"

turning away from the door, she looked around the room and her eyes widened with realization.

the old queen sat on the throne, the gems adorning her face and hair reflecting the intense light coming from somewhere inside the leader of angels.

"so... close..."

miyeon froze finally figuring out why she had asked her to leave.

the ruler of Heaven opened her eyes, which glowed a solid white, the light reaching every corner of the throne room. the many guards and saints who would kneel by the throne were gone, and miyeon urgently fumbled with the door, which was locked.

turning back to face the old queen, she fearfully knelt in front of the door, closing her eyes and bowing her head as the blinding light covered her, stinging her skin and singeing the edges of her wings.

༻ ༒ ༺

miyeon opened her eyes, sweating as she looked around the room, exhaling when she noticed that she was in her room.

calm down, miyeon. she's not here. she's gone, and she can't hurt you.

"not again," she muttered as a black-haired saint hurried into the room with a cold cloth, placing it on her forehead.

"are you okay, your majesty?"

"i am, you don't have to worry about me, seunghee."

"i noticed that the nightmares are coming more frequently, your highness."

miyeon sighed, leaning back into her pillow. "i'll be fine. how are you?"

"the same as always, your majesty."

"you know you can drop the formalities, right?"

the saint blushed. "i'm sorry, i got used to it your hi- miyeon."

miyeon returned the cloth to seunghee. "is shuhua still here?"

"no, she left to accompany the fledglings. should i send for her?"

"no, it's alright. i'll go get ready."

༻ ༒ ༺

i know soyeon is behind this.

she's not gone, is she?

terrifying thoughts filled miyeon's head as seunghee slowly pressed the jewels under her eyes and into her hair.

she squeezed her eyes shut, furiously suppressing the thoughts.

i will not let those stupid thoughts ruin my morning.

༻ ༒ ༺

miyeon was pouring a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice for herself when shuhua casually flew in through the window.

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