09; shuhua

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the angel opened her eyes, slowly blinking to adjust to the bright light shining through the windows.

wait... my room doesn't have windows.

"hello?" shuhua asked, quickly sitting up and accidentally hitting the angel staring down at her on the head.

"hey! what was that for?"

she squinted at the person who had dramatically collapsed onto the polished tile floor, clutching his head in exaggerated pain. "lucas?

"who else? also, did you know that you have a really hard head? like really hard."

she raised her hands to her mouth. "i'm so sorry-"

he groaned, using the bedpost to get to his feet. "don't worry, i'm used to it."

"where am i? and why am i here? and what are you doing staring at me when i was sleeping?"

lucas rolled his eyes. "one, you're at my place. for the second question, seunghee brought you over here on miyeon's orders and told me to give you a place to stay for a while to learn the ways of an arch or something, i wasn't really paying attention. got it?"

she frowned. "wait, you didn't answer the third question."

"oh, you need to get up now and meet the other angels who are going down on Earth with you."

shuhua leaped off the bed. "wait what?!"

"she didn't tell you?"


he leaned against the doorframe, theatrically sighing. "i really have to explain everything? okay tell you what, i'll fill you in on the way, follow me."

༻ ༒ ༺

"aight, what do you want to know?" the extremely tall archangel wondered, taking a bite out of the freshly baked bread that he had pulled out of thin air.

so archs can do that?

shuhua took a sip from the mug of the steaming hot cocoa she held in her hands. "why am i going to Earth?"

"simple! do you remember the guardian angels? well you're gonna be one! or to be more specific, watch over them like a scarecrow on a field, doyoung's words, not mine."

guardian angel?

"didn't the elders give up on that ages ago?"

"they did, but certain happenings right now require special circumstances which i cannot reveal," he winked, ripping a piece of bread in half and passing it to her.

"you sure you can't tell me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"nope! ah, we're here now."

shuhua looked up at the short, squat little structure that, like most buildings in Heaven, was made out of marble.

"i'd head in there if i were you," yukhei muttered, ducking behind her, "i'll get in trouble if i'm spotted here. i should be at the Palace right now. see you around, hua!"

he peeked around her shoulder one more time, sparing a last glance at the door before taking the empty mug from her hands and flying off.

shuhua peered in the direction that he was looking at, immediately noticing an angel with eye-catching orange hair and a stunning pair of shining eyes standing a little way away from the door.

does yukhei have a crush- what am i even thinking! he's an archangel! they would never ever be able to hide it, not even for a second!

i don't blame him though, that angel is kinda cute.

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