06; soojin

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tw // mentions of gore, mentions of blood, mentions of suicide, mentions of death


soojin leaped a foot in the air, narrowly avoiding a devil. "watch where you're going?"

the devil bowed, scurrying away as fast as she could. soojin exasperatedly exhaled, stepping into the empty elevator and pushing the button with her clean hand.

the hellhounds liked that heart, huh. i guess i'll have to raid the mortuary tomorrow, i think they like it fresher.

the elevator dinged, opening up to reveal the dry wasteland where fallen angels went through their rituals to become demons. many human souls spent eternity writhing in endless pain as they suffered for their actions in the river of the damned, and their stifled screams were music to soojin's ears.

running up to donghyuck, who was wrapping his blade up in a long grey strip of cloth, she excitedly stopped by his side.

"is she done?"

"hey, kid."

soojin kicked him in the shin. "don't call me that! i'm technically older than you!"

"it's only a few centuries, what's the difference? besides, why do you care about that girl anyways? do you like her?" he winked, wriggling his eyebrows. she landed another blow on his shoulder, but she was smiling.

"why would you care if i'm interested?"

"so you are, then," donghyuck grinned, "she's in her room now. i think it's beside eunbin's?"

"she's just a new friend. bye, dongsookie!"

༻ ༒ ༺

soojin softly knocked on the door, hearing a rustle of sheets and a soft "come in".

creaking open the door, she entered the beautiful suite that was decorated in red and black hues. minimalist silver decorations decorated the walls and a painting of a woman in black in a skeleton's embrace adorned the space above the headboard of the canopy bed where minnie was huddled in a ball.

"has it stopped hurting yet?"

she shook her head. "my back hurts..."

"it'll get better soon. i think"

climbing onto the bed to sit next to minnie, she reached out and began braiding the new demon's hair.

"you're a demon, right?" minnie mumbled, fiddling with her charred black fingers.


"how do you still have your wings, then?" she suddenly covered her mouth.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that out loud! you don't have to tell me if you don't want to-"

soojin laughed, gathering the demon's soft hair together. "i don't mind, it's not much of a story though. do you know who lilith is?"

she noticed minnie's eyebrows furrow. why would she have to know? i doubt they talk about her in Heaven.

"lilith was the original wife of adam at the Beginning of Time, and was made of the same earth as he was, but she insisted that she was his equal and not inferior to him. because of this, she was sent out of the Garden and roamed the earth for years before Lucifer himself found her and brought her to Hell. her blood is used in the creation of taemin's staff and in forging donghyuck's spear and has amazing properties. soyeon convinced her to spare some of her blood and created me with a mix of their blood. so technically, i'm not a demon at all, but they decided to call me a higher demon, or just demon for short."

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