11; soojin

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tw // violence, blood, weapons

hurrying out of the Training Hall, soojin navigated through the maze of corridors and doors, turning sharply until she reached an inconspicuous door that blended in almost perfectly with the dark grey walls. punching a code into a hidden keypad, the door soundlessly opened and soojin slipped into the opening, slamming the door shut.

if the other demons find out about this like last time, i'm fucking screwed.

she confidently strode forward, lights illuminating where she stepped as she surveyed the hundreds, no, thousands of silver doors before her, reading the bronze plagues hanging above each exit.

where did minnie say that her friend always visited again? oh yeah, Thailand.

squinting at the dusty labels, she located the sign she was looking for and kicked the corresponding door open, leaving a smudge of dirt on the pristine silver as she advanced through the black gap between dimensions, her eyes closed.

the door closed behind her with a quiet click, the chamber resuming to its dark state as the lights collectively went out.

༻ ༒ ༺


this certainly makes my life easier.

soojin's original plan was to capture an angel, but before now, she faced the problem of having to find one first.

this, however, was a complete game-changer.

there were angels everywhere.

flying over roofs, through and basically spreading goodwill and joy to the gormless, ungrateful race who deserved nothing but suffering.

her lips spread into a wicked grin as she launched herself into the air, forcing a low-flying angel into a chokehold.

"where is song yuqi?" she questioned, clenching her arm to apply even more pressure on the angel's windpipe as the angel's face slowly started to turn red.

"wh-why should i tell you!" the panicked angel spluttered, shaking his head. "y-you evil spirit!"

soojin mentally sighed, leaping off the ground and soaring upwards.

maybe a bit of altitude will make this glorified pigeon answer.

the Heaven-spawn screamed loudly as her free hand reached behind him, ripping feathers from his wings.

"wh-why are you d-doing this?" the winged being stammered, his voice squeaky and scratchy as he took a shallow breath.

soojin hovered in her spot above the clouds and looked down at him, her wings flapping to suspend her in mid-air as she met his nervous eyes with her cold, emotionless ones. "i'll make this easy for you, angel. either tell me where song yuqi is or i'll drop you."

he gulped. "i-i'm not telling you! b-begone, spirit!"

she chuckled lightly, the smile on her face not reaching her eyes. "if you say so."

she raked a hand across his unblemished face, her fingernails digging into his skin as the golden blood of angels coated her fingers and dripped down his face, staining his white clothing.

"fall, then."

the demon winked at him, letting go of his shoulder and watching as gravity took hold of the angel and dragged him to the ground. he soundlessly plummeted downwards, his orange hair ruffling wildly as he furiously beat his wings, useless without his flight feathers.

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