19; shuhua

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tw // violence, weapons

soojin frustratedly slammed the rectangle-shaped device she was holding on the table. "so, what are we gonna do now? all the exits are blocked."

"did you really have to go argue with her?" shuhua fumed, crossing her arms over her chest.

shuhua spied the demon glare at her direction out of the corner of her eye and mentally prepared herself for the fury that would come.

"she practically invited to argue with her! it's not like you were of much help anyway! i was stuck there arguing with her while some prissy angel who thinks she owns the fucking place spends bonding time with her best friend!"

shuhua almost shrank back in fear, but she locked her feelings away, the scared expression slowly morphing to anger. the angel stared back at the demon, a new glow in her eyes, silently daring her to look away.

bonding time?

bonding time?!

you were picking a fight with the ruler of Hell, how can i not be scared?

she knew that soojin was ready to attack her and felt the muscles in her arms tense up.

i probably can't beat her.

at least i can say that i tried.

soojin pounced. leaping forward and grabbing the angel by the shoulders. "why you little-"

a bright flash flew in front of her face, neatly snagging a bunch of shuhua's hair and slicing through it, burying itself on the wall.

both females stared at the dagger for a moment before turning to the demon who had thrown the blade.

"stop! both of you! i don't want my friends to hate each other!"

"minnie," soojin said, her voice soothing. "i'm sure we can-"

"don't. i don't want to hear it."

they watched, dumbfounded, as minnie stormed out of the room.

"i'm going after her-" soojin muttered, beginning to walk to the exit before she was stopped by shuhua grabbing her arm.

"what do you want?" she hissed, trying to wrench her arm away, but shuhua's grip was firm.

"leave her alone. she needs some time to cool down."

soojin managed to twist her arm out of shuhua's hands. "you can't stop me."

yes i can.

she had turned around and began to walk away when shuhua's voice broke the silence.

"would minnie want this? her two friends who she trusts more than anyone, fighting?"

even though shuhua could only see her back, she knew that the demon had rolled her eyes. "don't try to brainwash me, angel."

"i'm serious!"

"and i'm seriously about to slap your face!"

"please, just listen to me, i've known minnie for years more than you have, and i know how she would prefer to be treated. please, let her be. the best thing we can do for her right now is to try to get along. i know this sounds sketchy, but she would love it, and you know that."

she slowly exhales, turning around and pinching her nose bridge. "fine, i'll leave her alone."

soojin strolled over to the wooden table and pushed the stacks of papers aside, sitting on the free space.

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