13; shuhua

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tw // mentions of blood, mentions of gore

"do you want to see minnie again?"

the seven words the entity said echoed in her head and shuhua mentally recoiled in surprise, aggressively suppressing her emotions to make sure her face remained serious and cold.

however, she couldn't control her eyes widening a little when the being mentioned minnie.

get it together, shuhua. you're the future queen, for goodness's sake.

act like one.

"what do you know about minnie?" shuhua questioned, trying to keep a bold front in front of the potential enemy in front of her.

letting her eyes drift slightly, she eyed the being warily, noting her wings almost identical to hers except for the fact that they were a shade of black so dark that it seemed to blend in with the night sky. her entire aura was so different compared to the many humans and angels she had ever encountered in her many years of life that shuhua had no idea what to think.

she's the exact opposite of every angel i've ever met on Heaven, yet she looks just like one...

like some kind of dark angel.

while angels radiated light and sunshine, that entity seemed to suck the light out of the nearby streetlamps. even her appearance felt off, the being's soft facial features contrasting her sharper movements.

"she fell from Heaven yesterday, she used to be the angel of near future, she has a strange obsession with small things, she doesn't hold grudges and she's fucking whipped for an angel called song yuqi."

only a few angels know her this well.

she can't be lying, can she?

"who are you?" shuhua asked, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice as she quickly grabbed onto the wings charm, holding onto it tightly for comfort.

"you really should stop asking questions that don't matter." the dark angel's tone was disdainful, and she adopted a bored expression as she drew a dagger from her side and picked at the dried golden substance that coated her hands up to her wrists.

is that... angel blood?

the other guardian angels! were they hurt?

"besides, you didn't answer my question."

the angel quickly looked away from the entity, calculating an escape route as she cleared her throat. "what's gonna happen if i say no?"

the dark angel smiled, her shining white teeth a bright contrast to her black feathers and clothing. "well, i would kill you and add your feathers to my collection. minnie probably will be disappointed when i tell her that her friend didn't want to see her anymore." shuhua took a deep inhale, mentally running through her plan of escape as the dark angel continued talking, the sound of her voice ringing through shuhua's ears.

"but if you agree, i'll take you to where she is and back here once we're done. you won't owe me anything."

"so, do we have a deal?"

shuhua slowly blinked, watching the being sheathe her dagger and stretch her hand out.

Heaven needs me.

but i can be easily replaced in Heaven.

minnie needs me now.

shuhua reached out to the dark angel's outstretched hand, mentally wincing as the being's long, sharp nails grazed her palm in the process.

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