~ Divorced ~

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here we go gals pals and non-binary pals.

Aragon's POV




I woke up on a solid surface that I assumed was the grass. I sat up. Where am I? I look up, slowly standing up before realizing that this was not what I'm used to. I put my hands on my hips and realized that I have very different clothing on.

"You sound so dumb when you write it like that!"
"Well? I woke up in the middle of nowhere Kitty!"

I was wearing a golden dress with black incorporated in the outfit somehow. It's shorter, which almost gave me a heart attack. I walked forward slowly, before realizing that I had heels on, almost falling. Yay.

I walk onto a hard surface, definitely not the grass. It's a gray-ish color, but that didn't matter. I was alive.

I walked around the area I woke up in. I looked at the signs. London?

"Where else would you be? China?"
"Shut up, Anne! This is my chapter!"

(dont kill me i don't know how london works)

Why am I here? Shouldn't I be dead? I thought to myself while walking around some more. There were teenage girls wearing the most revealing clothing I've ever seen. I almost fainted. Did the devil make their clothing?

"Clothing. Atleast it's CLOTHING!"
"Okay, but still! Atleast cover up more with it!"
"You're so weird with clothing, Aragon. The devil doesn't make clothing!"
"I know, Kitty."

I realized that I have a bag on my back. I looked inside of it and realized that there's actually stuff in it. How did I get this stuff?

Eventually, I found out how to get somebody to take me to some.. house? I had to pay them and they just knew where to go. I didn't question it.

"How did you not know what a car was?"
"I just got reincarnated at that moment, let me live Seymour."
"Alright Catalina."

The person dropped me off at this house. I thanked them, and I walked up to it. I looked in the bag again and found some metal objects. What are these?

"Keys, Aragon. They're keys."
"Shut up Cleves!"
"I refuse!"
"You wanna go?"
"Let's just move on!"
"Thank you, Cathy!"

I looked at them and saw a label on them. House Key. I looked at them, confused. I saw a hole on the.. thing.. and put it into the hole. I turned the key and the door opened. I closed the door behind me.

"'Into the hole.' That is the dirtiest thing I've ever heard you say, Aragon."

"Hello?" I walked in. The house was empty. I looked around. My footsteps echoed off the walls. There were stairs leading up to another floor. I headed upstairs, and saw 6 rooms labeled with initials. I took the one saying C.A. with a golden outline around the label since those are closest to my initials and it was the first one.

I head back downstairs and walked into this giant room with a bed-like object in the room. I sat on it.

"It's called a sofa-"
"I swear if you guys judge me one more time!"
"Let them have fun Catalina!"

"Pretty comfortable." I shrug. I stand up and explore the house some more.

After exploring for a bit, I found a bookshelf. I looked at a few of the books before finding a book that didn't have anything on the cover. I opened it.

Dear The 6 Wives of King Henry VIII..

I immediately closed the book. If I'm here and I'm a wife of-

I heard the front door open. I ran to the room again and looked at the woman infront of me.

"That would be me!"
"Shut it Bo!"
"Don't fight again.. You get your chapter after this."

"Wait-" I grab her hand and pull her upstairs. I look at the second door's initials. They said A.B. and had a green outline around the label. I looked back at the girl and her outfit was mainly green.

I looked down at the book and read the first and second names of the first page.

Dear The 6 Wives of King Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn..

I pulled my hand away faster than a lightening bolt.

"So aggressive!"
"Shush! I'm almost done Anne!"
"Guys- don't start that again."
"But Cathy.."
"No Annie."
"Fine. You owe me cuddles."
"No I do-"
"Just let us finish the chapter!"

"NOT YOU AGAIN!" I groaned, throwing the book on the bed-like object in the big room.

ceo of cliffhangers teehee.

also i'm not very familiar with the uk in general so if i screw something up please tell me lmao

also the talking in italics is from current time (that's why the non-italic talking is in the past)

okay byeee!

~kendall 🧚🏼☺️✨💞

editor kendall's notes: i wrote like everything in present tense- okay bedtime it's 1:30 am and i couldn't sleep because i was super stressed BYEEEE STAY SAFE EVERYONE! -editor kendall

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