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this took forever to write but finally a chapter has been published
also, again #1 on jane seymour whAT??

Howard's POV

The girl fell into my arms, sobbing. I hugged her back, letting her tears stain my sweatshirt. We stayed like that for awhile, before she wiped her tears and escaped my grip.

"How can I help you?" I asked the brunette. I fidgeted with the ends of my shorts.

"Well, I just escaped from this cell I was in and I didn't know where to go, so I came here." The girl responded. I welcomed her into the house, letting her sit down on the couch.

"So, can I ask what your name is?" I asked the girl.

"Uhm, my name is Catherine Parr." Catherine mumbled, sighing. I hand flew up to my mouth.

"Oh my god- you're real! We've been looking for you!" I grabbed Catherine's hands, smiling. "Here, come upstairs. I'll introduce you to everyone later." I pulled her upstairs quietly. I opened my bedroom door, sitting on my bed. Catherine sat at my desk, examining the papers on it.

"Who else lives here?" Parr asked, fumbling with the pen she was playing with.

"4 other women. Who were also the wives of Henry Viii." I shrugged, realigning my pillows. Catherine froze at the name, before looking back at all the papers.

"Hey Kitty-" Anna walked into my room. "Who is that?" Anna pointed at Catherine, visibly confused.

I ran up to my girlfriend, holding her hands. "It's Catherine Parr." I whispered, smiling.

cathy: 👁👄👁

anna: 👁👄👁

kitty: 👁👅👁

"Really? Is it really?" Anna whispered, looking at Catherine before looking back at me. I nodded, before jumping back onto my bed.

"This is my girlfriend, Anna." I pointed at Anna, who was introducing herself to Catherine.

"Did you even introduce yourself to her, Kitty?" Anna looked at me. I attempted to contain laughter, but failed before kissing Anna of the cheek.

"I'm Katherine Howard, but call me Kitty." I smiled. Catherine nodded, proceeding to look around my room.

"And then there's Jane Seymour, she's basically the mom in this household. She's my cousin." I started explaining the other queens to Catherine.

"Then there's Anne Boleyn, she's also my cousin. She thought you weren't real. Let's hope she does soon." Anna sat on my bed while I picked at the carpet on the floor of my room.

"And then we have Catherine of Aragon. She's your godmother and she'll probably bond with you the most when she meets you. She has the worst mood in the morning." I rolled my eyes at the thought of Aragon. Catherine shrugged, spinning around in the chair.

We sat in silence for a bit, doing our own things. "Well, shouldn't I have a nickname since we have 3 Catherine's?" Catherine asked, still spinning in the chair.

"I mean, sure. What nickname do you like?" I asked the brunette. She shrugged. "How about.. Cathy?" I played with my pink hair, giving Catherine some suggestions.

"I mean sure, I like it." Cathy smiled at the name. "It's settled. Cathy."

We all sat there, looking at my pink room. "So.. what do we do now?" I asked, picking up a book I never read.

"Should we introduce Cathy to everyone else?" Anna suggested. Cathy and I nodded, it was about time we introduced the fairly new queen.

"Let's go!" I grabbed both of their hands, opening the door with my foot and running downstairs. Anna almost tripped and Cathy didn't understand how I could run so fast.

"Holy shIT-" Cathy mumbled. "You're fast."

"Yeah, get used to it. It gets worse later on." I laughed. I rested my shoulder on Anna's head while Cathy got situated on the couch. "Well, should I get the other three?" I asked. The two others nodded, and I went to go get everyone else.

I ran up the stairs and opened Aragon's door. "ANNE I TOLD YOU NOT TO-" Aragon screeched before realizing it was just me. "What do you need?" Aragon asked.

"Uh, I have a surprise for everyone. Just- follow me." I grabbed Catherine's hand before moving onto Anne's room.

"WHAT IS IT KITTY-" Anne yelled from her desk.

"I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR EVERYONE-" I yelled back. Anne stood up as I grabbed her hand and moved onto Jane's room. I knocked on her door with my foot. "JANE-" I yelled.

"What is it, Kitty-" Jane groaned, looking as if she just got up.

"I have a surprise for everyone, follow me." I pointed my head towards the stairs. Jane follow everyone as I sped down the stairs, watching the faces of the other three who noticed Cathy.

"Who's that?" Anne pointed at Cathy.

"Well, I'd like you all to meet Catherine Parr."


this took forever to finish because i didn't wanna do it, but here you guys go

it didn't hint at parrlyn (i think i mentioned that like a few days ago idk) but whatever

i need to go finish two one-shots now bye


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