~ Divorced and Died ~

759 21 23

this was written at 1am it isn't good
Seymour's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, standing up. Where the hell am I? I looked down and saw that I had a white dress on with glitter and a black skirt that also had glitter. There were also some designs on the white part of the dress and it was tied together with black glittery heels. My blonde hair was tied back slightly with a white hairpiece.

"Lowkey a cute outfit."
"I know, right?"
"Whoever dressed us before we were reincarnated has a lowkey good style."

I walked around this town for a bit and found another woman laying on the ground. She was sitting up and was wearing a red and black outfit with a red and black fuzzy jacket along with black glittery heels, like me. We locked eyes.

"Uh.. Hi?" I asked her.

"Hi." She smiled. She put her hand out for me to shake and I shook it. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jane Seymour. What's your name?" I smiled at her.

"You smile at everyone."
"Because I'm nice okAY-"

"I'm Anna of Cleves." Anna smiled.

~ a/n: i don't know if it's anne or anna but for the sake of not being confused her name is anna in this ~

"Nice to meet you. Do you know where we are..?" I asked her.

"Nope." Anna shrugged.

"Should we look around to see where we are? I mean that would be the best thing to do.." I smiled.

"Yeah, I mean sure." Anna shrugged again.

"Wow I can't belie-"
"SHHHhhHhH yOu'Re gOiNg tO sPoiL iT tO tHe ReaDeRs!"
"Isn't that the author's fault-"

Anna and I had walked around for a bit, looking around at what has changed since we were queens 500 years ago. I eventually found out she was also a wife of Henry.

After what felt like hours of walking, we found ourselves seeing a cursed sighting.

"What did we just stumble upon-" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I don't know.." Anna rubbed her forehead.

We stare at the sight of a woman in a green dress wearing heelies attacking a woman in a gold dress with a pillow.

"Is this what you guys do for fun-"
"Can you all just sHuT uP-"

I looked at Anna and looked back at the sight. I walked up to them slowly and introduced myself.

"What in the absolute hell is going on here-" I asked the two women.

"Uhh.. who are you?" The woman in the green dress asked.

"I'm Jane Seymour, who are you and why are you attacking this woman-" I responded, visibly confused.

"I'm Anne Boleyn and this is bitch-face.. I mean Catherine of Aragon." Anne responded.

"I don't know why you were attacking her but.. okay.." I smiled.

"It's because she took my husband, Henry!" Catherine yelled.

"Wait.. Henry?" I looked at them. "He was my husband aswell.."

"Do you think all of his wives were reincarnated?" Anne mumbled.

"I mean, I met a woman named Anna and apparently she was one of his wives.." I shrugged. I waved Anna over to Anne, Catherine and I.

"They were also the wives of Henry, and they think that all of his wives were reincarnated." I whisper to Anna. She nods.

A pink-haired woman stepped outside the door of the house Anne and Catherine were infront of, walking towards the situation. "What's taking you guys so long-"

She paused.




ugh this was so bad i wanna change the writing styleeee

-kendall 🧚🏼😘💞✨

editor kendall here, yeah i'm changing the writing style next chapter so be prepared for that lol

-editor kendall 🧚🏼😘💞✨

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