~ I Don't Believe It! ~

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fine i guess i'll give you guys a chapter

forgot to mention that they're all around the ages of 21-24 so dating isn't weird (but kitty is like 19 and it's legal to date her love interest since she's a legal adult) (idk if this is legal in england but like this is fanfiction so)

aragon: 22
anne: 23
jane: 24
anna: 21
kitty: 19
cathy: 22

tw: aragon has a moody attitude and swears

Howard's POV

"Yes." Anna whispered.

"Was it Catherine Parr?" I asked. Anna nodded silently. I jumped up and down. I was right. There was a final wife.

"I didn't really like her though because she was the reason you were beheaded." Anna sighed.

I tilted my head at her. "I wasn't beheaded because of her, Anna.." I mumbled. I didn't like thinking about my beheading.

"You weren't?" Anna looked up.

"No, not really." I sat down next to the girl. I shrugged. "I don't like talking about it." I whispered. Anna hugged me.

We stayed like this for awhile. So long that I fell asleep on the couch with Anna.

-insert daytime-

"Wake up sleepyheads!" Anne yelled.

I shot up, Anne's voice scaring me. I nudged the still sleeping Anna, and she slowly woke up. "Wake up before Anne kills us." I got up.

"So, what were you doing last night, Katherine?" Anne asked.

"I- uhm.. trying to find out who the final wife of our husband was-"

"Very specific, Kitty."
"I know, Catherine."

"There wasn't a final wife, you were the final wife. Right, Anna?" Anne said.

"Uh.. yeah. Katherine was the final wife." Anna smiled uncomfortably. I looked at Anna, quickly looking away due to the blush growing on my face.

"oooOOOoO somebody's got a cRuSh??"
"shut uP ANNE-"
"I refuse."

We stayed in this uncomfortable silence before Jane came downstairs. "Good Morning!" She smiled.

"Morning Jane.." I mumbled, sitting at the table. I laid my head down, mumbling something.

"I didn't see you in your room this morning, where were you?" Jane asked.

"I just slept on the couch." I mumbled. "I was probably getting water or something and fell asleep down here."

Jane nodded, continuing to make breakfast. I talked to Anna for a bit, before Aragon and her moody attitude welcomed herself downstairs with us.

"Morning fuckers." Aragon snapped.

"Somebody has an attitude.." Anne mumbled. Aragon shot a look at the beheaded queen before Anne put her hands up in defense.

"Anyways, what are we going to call Katherine so we don't mix Catherine and Katherine up?" Jane asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Can I be called Kitty?" I mumbled. I thought it was a cute name that Anna called me last night.

"Kitty? That's weird." Anne questioned.

"No, I like the name. It's very cute." Jane smiled at us, giving us our breakfast. We all nodded in agreement, and sat in silence before I brought up Catherine Parr.

"So uhm.. I lied." I mumbled. Everyone looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Jane asked.

"I actually wanted to see if there was another wife after I was beheaded. I did some research on the topic." I uncomfortably shifted while explaining. "Her name is Catherine Parr. Apparently she was Aragon's goddaughter."

Aragon looked at me. "I don't remember her. I mean, I think I recognize the name, but I don't remember it too clearly."

"You forgot I existed-"
"shut up catHY-"
"Only I can call her that!"

"Apparently, she was your goddaughter. Henry died while she was married to him, and Parr ended up marrying Jane's brother, Thomas Seymour." I smiled. Everyone looked at me like I was insane.

"I still don't believe it. If Anna outlived us all and said that you were the final wife, then I don't believe it Kitty. You're younger than us, and I don't take opinions from little girls." Anne snapped at me. She walked upstairs and went into her room. Aragon and Jane followed her, and I held back the tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, don't listen to her." Anna hugged me. "Catherine Parr was the final wife, and we should find her together. Anne is just mad that Aragon is here and took it out on you." She smiled, wiping the tears that were streaming out of my eyes.

"B-But Anne loves me, right? I'm her cousin after all-" I was cut off by my sobs that choked out of my mouth. Anna rubbed circles on my back, reassuring me that Anne was just mad about Aragon.

"Anne you're so mEAN-"
"Look I was just mad that Aragon was theRE-"
"I- okay.."

"Did it say a location on the note?" Anna asked. I shook my head no. She nodded.

"I need to see something." I blurted out. Anna nodded, as I walked back into the living room and looked in the book again. I saw nothing. "What if she isn't real? Maybe this is just a waste of my ti-"

"No it isn't. Catherine Parr is real." Anna smiled. I looked up at her, smiling. I stood up and walked upstairs to my room with the book and the note, and Anna went into her room.

time skippp

I walked downstairs and went onto this device called a 'computer.' I found out how to turn it on, and researched some more about Catherine. I was desperate to know more. Not that I was obsessed or anything, but I just wanted to know about her. I needed to prove Anne wrong.

"Whatcha doing?" I heard Anne's voice.

"Just.. researching." I mumbled.

"Catherine Parr isn't real. Her name was on my note, but I think it's just a hoax. How can she be the final queen?" Anne looked at me. I shrugged. Maybe she's right. "Let's go upstairs, it's getting late." Anne smiled. I turned off the computer and headed upstairs with Anne and went into my room. I turned off the light and yelled goodnight down the hallway. I only got a response from Jane and Anna.

I somehow fell asleep only to find out that being beheaded means that you get nightmares in your second life from that beheading.


i really enjoyed writing this chapter

-kendall 🧚🏼✨💞

editor kendall:

yeah this was pretty good not gonna lie

-editor kendall 🧚🏼✨💞

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