~ Trapped ~

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i'm apologizing in advance i wrote this at 12 am
hehehehehe some cathy dramaaaa

TW: ab*se, h*nry and th*m*s (jane's brother)

"Why are you handing me the computer.."
"It's your turn to write!"
"Okay, fine."

Parr's POV

My life is miserable. I was reincarnated a month or two ago, I can't remember. Except it didn't go as planned.


I sat up, looking down at my blue outfit with long pants (i know they don't call them that in the UK but leave me aloNE i'm american) and a top with poofy arms things. I stood up, managing to stay in my feet. I walked a few steps before I was pulled away.

"Get over here!" The guy yelled.

"W-" My mouth was covered by a hand.

"I missed you, Catherine." The man smirked.

"Oh, hush." Another man said.

"What, Henry?" The first guy complained.

"Seymour, no." Henry scolded.

"Whatever, let's just kidnap her and go." Thomas rolled his eyes. Everything was black after that.

I sat on the cold, hard floor. Nothing but brick, stone walls around me. I'm tied to the wall, not being able to move farther than a few inches.

"Catherine." Thomas stood there infront of me, waiting for an answer. He walked closer, kicking me in the leg.

"Fuck off, bitch." I snarl. He looks me dead in the eyes and punches me, leaving a bruise on my face.

"I'll be back~" He whispers in my ear. I sit there, eyes wide and staring at the floor. I need to get out of here.

"I-I can write it.."
"Cathy, you're shaking-"
"No- I'm fine."

I stand up, looking outside the single window I have in this cell thing. I close my eyes, tears spilling out of them. I sit down, curling into a ball. I hear the door open, but I don't move.

"What do you want, Thomas. Or Henry, which ever bitch it is this time." I choke through tears.

"Is Catherine Parr upset?" Thomas mimics me, laughing afterwards. He kicks me in the nose, causing my nose to bleed. Thomas grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

"Whiny bitch." He mumbled, before pushing me again the concrete walls, causing me to hit my head and blackout.

"Cathy.. you're not okay."
"Yes I a-am."
"Take a break from your chapter, we'll add onto it later."
this was originally supposed to end well but i need to keep cathy away longer

-kendall 🤩

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